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Slow PCB layout
825 3
joesbox 4 years ago
PCB layout for my project is extremely slow. I have tried the desktop client, various browsers and different computers. My project has 140+ components and 200+ nets. I read that a new version may be on the way to address performance issues. Is there anything in development which is due to be released soon? It is getting to the stage where I am considering moving to another product since my projects are growing in size and complexity. Thanks
joesbox 4 years ago
FYI: I found the main bottleneck with this was the "Rebuild Plane Automatically" option in Setting -> System Settings. This project is a 4 layer board with 15 separate copper areas. A couple of observations: 1. Even with this option enabled, the copper areas do not automatically rebuild when a component is moved. 2. The interface slows down dramatically as soon as you start moving a component. I suspect that processing the changes in the copper areas is occurring _during_ the movement of the component, possibly creating a race condition. I believe the calculation of changes in the copper areas should occur _after_ the component placement has finished, I.e. when the mouse button has been released.
chanov 3 years ago
@joesbox Thank you! My problem go away )
cjohnson 3 years ago
@joesbox Part of this issue is actually the realtime DRC checking. When you move a component it is rechecking DRC errors continuously. If you go under design rule -> uncheck Realtime DRC the performance when moving parts should be better.
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