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Small snap size prevents PCB element movement via arrow keys
809 3
IBNobody 7 years ago
**BUG** Concise problem statement: If I make the PCB snap grid small (0.1 mm or 0.05 mm), I can no longer move a selected PCB element (footprint, trace, hole, pad, etc) via the arrow keys. The element will move one grid tick and then stop. Steps to reproduce bug: 1. Set the PCB snap grid to something small like 0.1mm. 2. Select a pad/trace/footprint. 3. Push the up/down/left/right arrow key on the keyboard. The component will move slightly. 4. Push the up/down/left/right arrow key on the keyboard again. The component will not move any more. Results: PCB element stops moving via the keyboard. Expected results: PCB element should continue to be movable with the keyboard arrow keys. Browser: Chrome Version 54.0.2840.99 m (64-bit)
dillon 7 years ago
Thanks for report
dillon 7 years ago
Now fix at beta. You can use beta to design, beta is the same with release version at database.
IBNobody 7 years ago
@dillon Tried the beta. It is fixed! Thank you very much!
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