You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Snap to Millimeters often fails
801 10
MikeDB 6 years ago
Previous PCBs I've designed using EasyEDA have used a 100mil based grid with 25mil snap and it works fine.  However current PCB is all SMD so I'm using a 1mm grid with a 0.5mm smap.  This usually works but sometimes, especially when moving vias, the via offsets left or right a little and it takes several attempts to get it in the correct place, usually involving zooming in a lot. Also when moving components I often find them centred on xx.04 mm or xx.96 mm, which suggests something is possibly still working in mils.  Only way to fix this once they are wrong seems to be to type in the correct co-ordinates in the right hand side window.
martin 6 years ago
+1, this has been painful. It can easily be seen by moving a part, then moving it again. It snaps to two different positions.
MikeDB 6 years ago
Yes - one each side of where you actually want it !!   Only by zooming in does it go away (usually)
UserSupport 6 years ago
Hi Can you help to capture a video? Thanks
martin 6 years ago
I have a capture. Should I send it by email?
UserSupport 6 years ago
Yes, please, or you can upload at Youtube etc.
UserSupport 6 years ago
martin 6 years ago
...or maybe this gif conversion will work: ![snap.gif](//
martin 6 years ago
In the above image, snap == grid at 1mm.
MikeDB 6 years ago
Yes that's exactly what I see as well. Also yesterday I set a track to 0.25mm and when I checked it, it was 0.254mm !!    The engine is obviously still using mils somewhere and converting back
UserSupport 6 years ago
Got it , we will check it out!
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