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Snap track to nearest connection point generates DRC errors
320 2
jthompson8 2 years ago
Is there some key you can hold down to override the "Snap track to nearest connection point" I do NOT mean snap to grid. when you drag track segments they snap to the grid as you are dragging them, then when your happy with the placement you let go and some other code takes over and snaps the track segment to the nearest component. but that is not always what you want to do, often it snaps the track to a location that then fails DRC check and there is no way to move the dam thing back out of DRC error as it just snaps it back into the error again if you try again. i want to put the track here, witch is a valid grid snap ![image.png](// but if i let go of the mouse it snaps it to the Via causing a DRC error forcing you to have to move the Via for no reason at all. ![image.png](// it is annoying enough that the snap happens after you let go of the mouse, but to not account for the DRC error checking makes it useless, it at least needs some override, or make it to check for DRC errors before doing it.
UserSupport 2 years ago
That seems the track is too close with the pad you need to check you Design Rule clearane if you don't want it to show the error mark, you can disable the online DRC at Design Rule dialog
jthompson8 2 years ago
i don't want to disable the DRC, the DRC works, i want be able to place the track in a given place without the code snapping it to the via when i let go of the mouse as snapping it to the via is what is moving it into the DRC error location.
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