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Solder jumper and net names
4837 7
Bjørn Eikeland 4 years ago
I'm trying to lay out a HAT for a Pi and wanted to use some solder jumper to make CS and IRQ lines configurable with a default. sample project: []( JUMPER\-PAD\-2\-NC\_BY\_TRACE and JUMPER-PAD-2-NOYES_SILK was selected as they came with or without a trace to close the gap - but this confuses the autorouter and design rules as I can have two different net names on both cases, and even if I use the same net name for the NC one it still is confused. Are there other jumper parts that allows a me to use different net names with a default closed or will I need to use an open and hope a solder paste layer will form the bride and also place them on the layer I want assembled? ![image.png](// ![image.png](//
andyfierman 4 years ago
Sorry but you have to accept that if two different nets are joined together by copper then they MUST have the same netname. So if you have two different nets and you then run a trace between them, both nets MUST then be assigned the same netname. This net name may be one of the two original names or it may be a thirds, new name but the whole of both original nets **will be** reassigned the same names. There is no realistic way that an EDA tool can deal with joining two traces by copper on a PCB other than by doing this because EDA tools only understand connectivity by netnames. If two nets have the same name then they are the same net. If they have different names then they are different nets and they are not connected together. Using solderable links can be made to work but you may have to create special small clearance design rules for nets with solderable gaps or ignore the DRC errors they may produce if you leave the normal clearances in place. You may also have to remove the soldermask between the two sides of the gap in order to ensure thay they are bridged by solder in the assembly process. If you want to add "jumpers" or shorting links then the most reliable way to do this is by adding 0R resistor links. BTW, the PCB Footprint PAD\-JUMPER\-2\-NC\_BY\_TRACE\_YES\_SILK assigned to: JUMPER\-PAD\-2\-NC\_BY\_TRACE is doomed to fail anyway. It will always generate a DRC error because the two pads have different numbers but are shorted by a copper region. Please see also: []( []( []( ![image.png](//
Bjørn Eikeland 4 years ago
0R it is then, thanks for the input!
Bjørn Eikeland 4 years ago
Follow up question with respect to using a 0R bridge. When I in the schematic select a part to not be inclded the BOM as an attemt to tag it as DNP on a default open jumper the part is seems to still be included in the BOM and PCB order process. Is there a simple way to indicate a part not to be populated by default but keep the footprint?
Bjørn Eikeland 4 years ago
Seems changing the supplier from LCSC to Unkown achieves the desired result for now, but it would be simpler to just set the Include in BOM flag to No imo. But as long as I can publish a design without risking someone getting a board with the wrong parts if they don't read the small print its all good for now.
andyfierman 4 years ago
@beikeland, There used to be a Schematic Attribute that did exactly what you want but for reasons I never understood, the developers removed it. Have a search for **Mounted attribute** to see what it used to do and some of the discussion about it. Maybe a Feature Request to return it would be worth creating?
Bjørn Eikeland 4 years ago
Latest update makes setting _Add to BOM_  to _No_ the only step needed to ensure a part is not SMT assembled when ordering the board. Yay!
andyfierman 4 years ago
@beikeland, I hadn't noticed when that came in but yes it seems to to do what is needed. :)
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