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Solder pad layer
638 6
WellSight 6 years ago
It appears all my solder pads have moved to the bottom layer from the top layer. The outlines for all components are still on the top layer but you see no solder pads. Click on "Bottom Layer" and all the solder pads appear. How could that have happened and how to undo it?
andyfierman 6 years ago
Check the Layers floating pallette and click in the Top Layer visibility column to put the little eye icon back in it.
WellSight 6 years ago
@andyfierman  Oh, it's got the eye icon in it. Can one change colors of the solder pads? When I hove where the pad goes (it's outline is there) a white area appears with  a white rectangle and the Net name (or where it connects). I am afraid if I order, the pads will be on the bottom. Can they "migrate"? Like with a mouse accident?
andyfierman 6 years ago
You can change the layer colours. Click on the gear icon top right corner of the Layers floating pallette. Edit the layer colours in the panel that opens. Is this a public project? Can you share it or at least post some screenshots to illustrate what you are talking about and seeing?
andyfierman 6 years ago
Check in the Design Manager button in the left hand panel that you have not hidden these components or connections.
WellSight 6 years ago
@andyfierman I think the problem I'm having is the pads show regular color in Bottom layer view, but not in Top layer view, but a Photo view shows all is well. Except they are goldish looking.  Does that sound normal?
WellSight 6 years ago
@andyfierman Suddenly the check boxes for Top and Bottom layers  on the layer manager are unchecked and I cannot check them. All the others check and uncheck.
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