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Something is broken with net tag names
445 9
TechnoGilles 2 years ago
Hi ! Am I the only one having problems with alignment of net tag names ? Up until today, I never had to worry about the net tag names. They would always appear just beside the tag itself, no matter if pointing left or right and no matter the length of the name and whether I changed it or not. But now, tonight, they are all messed up and I have to mess around and move them manually. And if I remane a tag for a longer or shorter name, it does not automatically adjust like it used to be. How can I bring back the old way ?! See picture below : at the top, name is too far; at the bottom, name is overlapping. I've never seen this before. ![image.png](//
mijnmodelbaan 2 years ago
I'm having the same problem. Tried all possible settings to no avail. The only way I can solve this is by hand (Alt-Snap works best for me). Also, aligning selected texts seems not to work anymore.
TechnoGilles 2 years ago
@mijnmodelbaan I'm so happy to see I'm not the only one !! I noticed that if you refresh the browser page, the first net ports that you place are ok. The problem seems to be related to rotating the tag. As soon as you make a full rotation (for example press R four times), auto-alignment is gone until you refresh the page. As you mentioned, once it's gone, it seems there's nothing you can do except re-align manually. I explained the bug in details with repro steps to support. It took me some time to convince them there really is an issue... Hopefully they'll take this seriously and fix it. It was still working a few days ago so it is very recent.
TechnoGilles 2 years ago
Here are my repro steps: 0) Assuming you have a project with a schematic page opened; 1) Do a refresh of the []( page in your browser (mandatory); 2) Click on the Net Port icon from the Wiring Tools panel. DO NOT PLACE THE TAG ON THE SHEET YET; 3) Press the "R" key 4 times so that the tag does a complete 360 turn (mandatory); 4) Now click on the sheet to place the tag somewhere and press the ESC key to exit this tool; 5) Then, double click the port name to edit it. Please write "averyverylongname" and press enter. 6) See picture below of what I get; this is NOT what is expected; note that the name was NOTdragged manually; 7) Note that from this point, ALL net ports added to the sheet will be wrong and I did not find anything to fix them except manually; ![mkKBeCpy0sFnZRqY.png](//![](//) Observations: 1. I have been using EasyEDA for a couple of years now and I never had to move a net port name manually. They were always at the right place. 2. This behaviour is new. It appeared 2 or 3  days ago. Something changed and brokethe automatic placement of net port names.
TechnoGilles 2 years ago
Here are my repro steps: 0) Assuming you have a project with a schematic page opened; 1) Do a refresh of the []( page in your browser (mandatory); 2) Click on the Net Port icon from the Wiring Tools panel. DO NOT PLACE THE TAG ON THE SHEET YET; 3) Press the "R" key 4 times so that the tag does a complete 360 turn (mandatory); 4) Now click on the sheet to place the tag somewhere and press the ESC key to exit this tool; 5) Then, double click the port name to edit it. Please write "averyverylongname" and press enter. 6) See picture below of what I get; this is NOT what is expected; note that the name was NOTdragged manually; 7) Note that from this point, ALL net ports added to the sheet will be wrong and I did not find anything to fix them except manually; ![mkKBeCpy0sFnZRqY.png](//![](//) Observations: 1. I have been using EasyEDA for a couple of years now and I never had to move a net port name manually. They were always at the right place. 2. This behaviour is new. It appeared 2 or 3  days ago. Something changed and brokethe automatic placement of net port names.
TechnoGilles 2 years ago
Here are my repro steps: 0) Assuming you have a project with a schematic page opened; 1) Do a refresh of the []( page in your browser (mandatory); 2) Click on the Net Port icon from the Wiring Tools panel. DO NOT PLACE THE TAG ON THE SHEET YET; 3) Press the "R" key 4 times so that the tag does a complete 360 turn (mandatory); 4) Now click on the sheet to place the tag somewhere and press the ESC key to exit this tool; 5) Then, double click the port name to edit it. Please write "averyverylongname" and press enter. 6) See picture below of what I get; this is NOT what is expected; note that the name was NOTdragged manually; 7) Note that from this point, ALL net ports added to the sheet will be wrong and I did not find anything to fix them except manually; ![](//) ![image.png](// Observations: 1. I have been using EasyEDA for a couple of years now and I never had to move a net port name manually. They were always at the right place. 2. This behaviour is new. It appeared 2 or 3  days ago. Something changed and brokethe automatic placement of net port names.
TechnoGilles 2 years ago
Here are my repro steps: 0) Assuming you have a project with a schematic page opened; 1) Do a refresh of the []( page in your browser (mandatory); 2) Click on the Net Port icon from the Wiring Tools panel. DO NOT PLACE THE TAG ON THE SHEET YET; 3) Press the "R" key 4 times so that the tag does a complete 360 turn (mandatory); 4) Now click on the sheet to place the tag somewhere and press the ESC key to exit this tool; 5) Then, double click the port name to edit it. Please write "averyverylongname" and press enter. 6) See picture below of what I get; this is NOT what is expected; note that the name was NOTdragged manually; 7) Note that from this point, ALL net ports added to the sheet will be wrong and I did not find anything to fix them except manually; ![](//) ![image.png](// Observations: 1. I have been using EasyEDA for a couple of years now and I never had to move a net port name manually. They were always at the right place. 2. This behaviour is new. It appeared 2 or 3  days ago. Something changed and brokethe automatic placement of net port names.
TechnoGilles 2 years ago
Here are my repro steps: 0) Assuming you have a project with a schematic page opened; 1) Do a refresh of the []( page in your browser (mandatory); 2) Click on the Net Port icon from the Wiring Tools panel. DO NOT PLACE THE TAG ON THE SHEET YET; 3) Press the "R" key 4 times so that the tag does a complete 360 turn (mandatory); 4) Now click on the sheet to place the tag somewhere and press the ESC key to exit this tool; 5) Then, double click the port name to edit it. Please write "averyverylongname" and press enter. 6) See picture below of what I get; this is NOT what is expected; note that the name was NOTdragged manually; 7) Note that from this point, ALL net ports added to the sheet will be wrong and I did not find anything to fix them except manually; ![](//) ![bug.png](// Observations: 1. I have been using EasyEDA for a couple of years now and I never had to move a net port name manually. They were always at the right place. 2. This behaviour is new. It appeared 2 or 3  days ago. Something changed and brokethe automatic placement of net port names. <br> <br>
TechnoGilles 2 years ago
Oops !! Sorry for repeated post !! App was giving me "Network Failure" errors so I kept reposting !!
andyfierman 2 years ago
@technogilles, About the false "Post failed! Network Failed!" error, please  see: [](
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