You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Spice Model
905 3
Ching Yeong Koh 4 years ago
Hi, I've just started using EasyEDA since yesterday trying to simulate one of my projects using optocoupler. As far as I know, I need to be in simulation mode and the icon in the library need to have an "S" symbol as "simulatable". However, my optocoupler which I get from the library under "user-contributed" received an error message saying "it haven't spice model", despite having the "S" symbol in the library. I've been searching online but to no avail. Can I have further clarification? Thanks. ![Capture.jpg](//
andyfierman 4 years ago
Sorry but except for those originally created and contributed by me or "example", most spice symbols from the user contributed library rarely work. If they were originally created and contributed by me or "example" then they should be ok but please post back with any problems.
andyfierman 4 years ago
Your project is private so only you can see it. Try just clicking OK on the warning message. There's a bug that generates this message even when the models are available. Can you make your project public and post the link to it?
andyfierman 4 years ago
"If they were originally created and contributed by me or "example" then they should be ok but please post back with any problems." Sorry but a recent change has put all my own spice symbols under the name Guest but I have no idea if anyone elses symbols are also under that username.
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svg-battery svg-battery-wifi svg-books svg-more svg-paste svg-pencil svg-plant svg-ruler svg-share svg-user svg-logo-cn svg-double-arrow -mockplus- -mockplus- -mockplus- -mockplus- -mockplus- -mockplus- -mockplus- -mockplus-@1x -mockplus-

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