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Spice model search results are still incomplete (1)
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andyfierman 5 years ago
If I set up the SHIFT+F Search Libraries to find System Spice Symbols and do not specify any particular part and do not filter on any particular tag then I get a list of spice symbols:  ![image.png](// Note that I have shown around the TH\*\*\*\* section of the list\. If I then enter the first few letters of a part that is not shown in this list and search for it, then it **is** found in the same part of the library but now the path is extended and shows the tag that is attached to it:  ![image.png](// This is very unhelpful. It means that users cannot find spice symbols unless either they already know they are there or they search exhaustively under every tag that is given in the left hand list. Please make it so that a search of the System Spice Symbols with (i) the FILTER box left blank AND (ii) no part entered in the Search box AND (iii) no tags selected from the left hand list just shows **all** the System spice symbols.  * Please do not include user created spice symbols in these results because very few of them (and I apologise in advance to anyone whose symbols do) actually work.
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