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Spice - place spice directives to the properties of a component
704 1
wolfgam 6 years ago
Hello, place spice commands to the properties of a component like the attributes of a component. Advantage: \- analyse spice directives even on predefinend components\. No need to go into the netlist e\.g\. \- it's easy to find parts in your schematics where spice is still missing \- you can play with variations of spice commands on the same components easily\. (same component in different variations in the same schematics, parallel transistors with slighty different R) \- you can find the commands where you would expect them \(they are properties of a component\) Disadvantage: \- every component has its own spice directives\, result: redudant information on same parts (but same parts often results as an copy of the first part, so spice commands would be copied too) Hint: Many competitors place spice commands as property of components too. regards Wolfgang
andyfierman 6 years ago
I agree that: 1) There should be an attribute of every schematic symbol to show if it has a spice model associated with it or not. Something like a simple "Simulatable = Yes/No" attribute. 2) There should be an easier way to access the spice model that is associated with a simulatable symbol than having to inspect the spice netlist. However where I disagree is in every instance of every symbol having the model as an editable attribute. Pulling the spice model into the schematic for every instance of each symbol is very complicated and bloating. You also have the problem that you still have to somehow make and edit a local copy of each model because you cannot be allowed to edit the master library copy. If you want to edit and/or try different versions of spice model and/or subckt for a device, the easiest way to do this is to open a new schematic sheet in your project and paste the model text(s) into it then set it to "Text type = Spice" . Then using the I key, set the Spice prefix and if necessary, the spice pin order of symbol that you want to change to the appropriate prefix and spice pin order for the model you have selected. Then change the name of the symbol in the schematic to that of the model. This is described in detail with examples in the Spice Tutorial: [](
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