You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Spice Model results in 500 error from server
1062 2
martin 8 years ago
**BUG** Concise problem statement: I have created a spice model for the LM1117 LDO (subckt from this page: ) Steps to reproduce bug: 1. Open this schematic: 2. Run the simulation Results: Server Error (500) Expected results: Successful simulation run!
martin 8 years ago
...hmmmm, guessing pspice - ngspice incompatibilities. Do you know of workarounds or converters?
andyfierman 8 years ago
There are several models on the page you reference: which one have you used? Can you describe the steps you have used when you `created a spice model for the LM1117 LDO`? A quick look at the TI Unencrypted Pspice models shows that there are a significant number of syntax incompatibilites with ngspice. There are two options here: 1. Post back with which model you want to use and I will try to modify it so that it runs in ngspice; 2. Many of the underlying .subckt defined in-house models (the ones that end in EE) have user editable parameters but they are not made available via the Properties Panel. You can edit these models by placing the relevant component in an empty schematic, copying the model from the netlist for that schematic and than pasting it into the schematic you want to work in and then change the name of the pasted in .subckt and the symbol name to a new, unique name. Finally, set the pasted in text to `Text type = spice`. For example if you pasted in a copy of the model for the LM317EE and changed the .subckt name to myLM1117EE, you could edit the `datasheet parameters` section the netlist to make something close to an LM1117. (Beware the limits on the characters you can use for model names in EasyEDA: stick to 0-9, a-z and the underscore _ character.) (In fact everything in the model is editable but we discourage users from editing anything other than those parameters we mark as datasheet parameters or user editable parameters unless they really understand what they are doing.) There are examples of this in Section 13 of the eBook:
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