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Spice discrete models
5356 2
muresan_c_dan 8 years ago
Circuit: good* no system model for bc846blt1g, you can create a model by yourself This is killing me. I was really excited by this platform. I hope you can expand the libs...
andyfierman 8 years ago
We can expand the library of spice models. Please see reply to your post:
andyfierman 8 years ago
A model for the BC846 transistor is already in the EasyEDA spice model library: QBC846 model Models for OnSemi and ST devices: BD139_ON model BD140_ON model BD139_ST subckt BD140_ST subckt are already in the EasyEDA spice model library. The following models from Cordell Audio: are now in the library: GBPC3502_CA subckt LTL1CHKEKNN_CA model LTL1CHKGKNN_CA model LTL1CHTBK4_CA model 1N5245B_CA model 1N5242B_CA model 1N5237B_CA model BAT85_CA model 1N5230B_CA model 1N5234B_CA model DTTD model BRIDGE35A model (note that this the rectifier diode element used in the GBPC3502_CA bridge rectifier. It is not intended for use as a standalone diode.) HFA25PB60_CA model 1N4148_CA model 1N4004_CA model LSK389_CA model LS844_CA model NJL3281_CA model NJL1302_CA model MJL4302_CA model MJL4281_CA model MJL3281_CA model MJL21193_CA model MJL1302_CA model MJL21194_CA model MJE15033_CA model MJE15032_CA model MJE350_CA model MJE340_CA model MJE253_CA model MJE243_CA model BD140_CA model BD139_CA model BC560_CA model BC550_CA model 2SC3601_CA model 2SA1407_CA model 2SC3503_CA model 2SA1381_CA model 2N5551_CA model 2N5401_CA model 2N5210_CA model 2N5089_CA model 2N5087_CA model 2N4403_CA model 2N4401_CA model 2N3906_CA model 2N3904_CA model * Note that the Cordell Audio VDMOS MOSFET models are not included because the VDMOS model is proprietary to Linear Technology LTspice and does not run in Ngspice as used by EasyEDA (or in any other simulator).
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