You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Spurious Chinese characters
1304 24
Miopicman 3 years ago
I seem to be getting spurious Chinese characters in random places even though my chosen language is English. I have copied the problem to EEDA Support and all that they can say is "I don't have this" and show a clean image without the Chinese characters! <br> ![Spurious-Chinese-characters.jpg](//![Not-English.jpg](//
andyfierman 3 years ago
From your screenshots it can be seen that you are selecting footprints (not symbols). If you look at most of the footprints from the LCSC and JLCPCB libraries, you will find that they have been developed in the Chinese version of EasyEDA by people at SZLCSC, the chinese parent of LCSC, hence the Chinese characters: ![image.png](// ![image.png](// Don't panic! Keep calm and carry on! :)
Miopicman 3 years ago
I have copied the problem to EEDA Support and all that they can say is "I don't have this" and show a clean image **without** the Chinese characters!
Miopicman 3 years ago
andyfierman 3 years ago
What is the Schematic Symbol for which you are assigning this PCB Footprint? can you uniquely identify it in the library and post a picture of that?
andyfierman 3 years ago
Which client are you using: web-based or Desktop? If Desktop, is it in Team Working or Projects Offline mode?
Miopicman 3 years ago
Hi Andy The Symbol is from EELib and is the USB-Type A_Male socket. It does not seem to have a 3D model associated with it and I am trying to give it one. My client is the downloaded one (Desktop) and I am the only user of it i.e. 'easyeda-router-windows-x64-v0.8.11' ![USB-Type-A_Male.jpg](//
andyfierman 3 years ago
I'm confused. The file you named above is the local autorouter not the Desktop Client.
Miopicman 3 years ago
Sorry about that, I chose the wrong one from my downloads. Here's the correct one: easyeda-windows-x64-6.4.25
andyfierman 3 years ago
@Miopicman, Is it in Team Working or Projects Offline mode?
Miopicman 3 years ago
Offline mode.
Miopicman 3 years ago
Do you think installing a fresh download would be worthwhile?
andyfierman 3 years ago
No harm in trying. Have a look in the folder for the Desktop Client and see if you can find a  little text file containing both installation and uninstallation instructions. Uninstall it and then do a clean install. Although uninstalling and re-installing should not affect the easyeda-data directory, it would be wise to make a copy of it first.
Miopicman 3 years ago
Just as an aside I have just noticed something. In the email reply from eeda support that reported that "I don't have this" and show a clip with no Chinese characters - their clip is from the Footprint Manager whereas mine is from the 3D Model Manager. My **Footprint Manager** also does **not** show any Chinese characters. I have emailed them back about it and am awaiting their reply with interest.
andyfierman 3 years ago
Yes, my reply was based on the assumption that you were showing a screenshot of the Footprint Manager and not the 3D Model Nanager. This is why it is important that people give as much information as possible in any posts. It avoids ambiguities and so gets to the root of issues faster. Your screenshot didn't show enough of the tool to make it clear that it was the 3D Model Manager that you were showing. I had wondered what the connection was between your original post and your references to trying to assign a 3D model but didn't have time to think more about what that might imply.
Miopicman 3 years ago
The clue is that in the Footprint Manager, LCSC is (469) whereas in the 3D Model Manager, LCSC is (372) and my clip shows a bit of the 3D adjustment panel. This all started since I discovered that several components in EELib do not have 3D models. The support team confirmed this and promised to put it right within a week. BTW I have also posted a bug about 3D models appearing and disappearing which you may find interesting.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@Miopicman, "The clue is that in the Footprint Manager, LCSC is (469) whereas in the 3D Model Manager, LCSC is (372) and my clip shows a bit of the 3D adjustment panel." Sorry but nobody is going to pick up that clue. Not even EasyEDASupport spotted it. In any forum, when you ask for help you owe it to the people whose time you are hoping they will give you to try to understand and offer help on your issue, to give them as much help in the form of accurate and relevant information as you can. If you had made it clear that you were seeing these characters in the 3D Manager you'd probably have had a proposal to resolve this bug 4 days ago. :)
andyfierman 3 years ago
@UserSupport, I can reproduce the issue and can also confirm that this is an issue with the 3D Model Manager and not the Footprint Manager: ![image.png](//
Miopicman 3 years ago
@andyfierman  I am very, very sorry if I seem to be unhelpful but you must understand that I am really very new to this software - about one month. FYI with regard to being helpful I have actually made videos explaning some of the bugs I have found. I have to say that EasyEDA has been somewhat baffling at times - please see my other bug report (and video) on appearing and disappearing 3D models. Even in the short time I have been using EEDA I have highlighted, and reported, at least 6, possibly 7 bugs - some of which not reported via this method. Quite frankly I think that the support team should be thanking **me** for pointing them out ;-)
andyfierman 3 years ago
@Miopicman, "I am very, very sorry if I seem to be unhelpful but you must understand that I am really very new to this software..." No need to apologise. I was just trying to explain how help on - not just EasyEDA but any - community forum works. Because EasyEDA is free, first line support tends to be from users rather than from the EasyEDA Team so helping people to help you is more important than it would perhaps be for a paid-for tool suite. Most community forums have guidelines. Those for EasyEDA are the sticky topic at the top of the Forum: []( Hopefully you'll get a reply from @UserSupport on this and some of your other bug reports in the near future. <br> <br>
Miopicman 3 years ago
@andyfierman Because EasyEDA is free... Let us not be disingenuous about this. EasyEDA is free for the same reason that DesignSpark is free - and that is they are both offered in an effort to sell and advertise other things: which is the sale of PCBs, assemblies and electronic parts. They are therefore representing the suppliers / manufacturers of those items. The quality of the software and support given by the software team, therefore, reflects on these suppliers. Poor support and a bug ridden 'free' software app does not reflect well on the likes of LCSC, JLPCB and all the other manufacturers within their compass. DesignSpark Mechanical (offered by RS) also had its shortcomings (especially the help files) when I first started using it, but now, and after I have put over 130 tutorial videos for it on YouTube, it is now probably the best free 3D modelling software available ;-) \* I have indeed read the 'How to ask for help and get an answer' and the first para \(Be nice\) is relevant to all of us\. \* I have also tried using the FAQ on accasion but it has not helped \- it is rather daunting to read the whole thing and a bit of a drudge when it is not possible to use keyword searches on the FAQ page\. \* It is also because of the second para that I have made videos to explain of some of the bugs I have found\. Here are some links: []( Appearing & Disappearing 3D models []( Autoroute not flagging failure []( EasyEDA border problem []( EasyEDA confuses me []( Can't copy symbol to canvas I think it may be a good idea, that the bugs I have emailed directly to EasyEDA Support, and to which I have not got an answer, I should re-post here. Other users may be able to confirm (or not) what I have found. What do you think? \* Nearly a week now and only one of the four EELib parts with a missing 3D model has been fixed\. \* Also the PCB outline anomaly\, which Support already knew about\, is not fixed\. I could go on...
andyfierman 3 years ago
Posting Bug Reports and Feature Requests for EasyEDA in the forum is probably the best way to get a response from EasyEDA support. If it's related to description, Symbols or Footprints, purchase or supply of components by or from LCSC then that's the Category to put it in. If it's related to description, Symbols or Footprints, purchase or supply of components and boards for PCB supply and PCB Assembly by JLCPCB then that's the Category to put it in.
Miopicman 3 years ago
@andyfierman That's great. Thanks so much for your help.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@Miopicman, You're welcome. I see you have posted a bug report as we discussed above. Let's hope that this gets some of these issues moving. :)
UserSupport 3 years ago
at properties has Chinese is normal, please ignore it, the title has Chinese we will modiy it
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