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Solved Strange ratline - error 40
814 4
Peter Sellers 1 year ago
Hi, there is a ratline going to the bottom of the picture ending in nothing (Copper pour GND). I have tried deleting components, reload net list and it will not disappear. Must say that my "GND" was at a point change to a net and this problem stayed when I renamed all to GND. @support please help BR Peter ![image.png](//
haidy_easyeda 1 year ago
Hello, I am a technician from Easyeda. Thanks for contacting us and sorry for keeping you waiting. According to your question, please take a look at the tutorial, I hope it will help you: [‌⁡‍‌⁡‍⁤⁤‍‌⁣‬‬‍‌‬‌‌‍⁣⁡⁣⁤⁤⁤‍⁡⁤⁣⁡⁣⁣How to solve the problem of flying lines after copper is paved? - 飞书云文档 (](
andyfierman 1 year ago
Does the Pro version of the PCB Design Manager list individual pads on a net when you select that particular net? That might allow you to identify what it is that is at the end on that ratline. What net is the stray ratline on? What happens if you turn off the visibility of the GND copper area then highlight the GND net and then zoom in? Can you see any left over pads or track fragments on any layer?
andyfierman 1 year ago
EasyEDA Std has a feature in the PCB Design Manager that tells you what each remaining ratline is. Does Pro do that?
Peter Sellers 1 year ago
@haidy_easyeda Thanks for your help. It was myself that did not look in all layers. Sorry for my disturbance. BR Peter
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