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Stretching the board layout
1914 4
donfrench 8 years ago
Is it possible to select an entire edge of a board layout and move it? Every time I try, it just moves the center point and it is almost impossible to pull the corners to be in line with the center point so I draw the whole thing over again.
support 8 years ago
It is strange that you just can move the center point, normal you may just can adjust the edge.
andyfierman 8 years ago
@Donfrench, Are you trying to move the entire PCB layout: footprints, traces, copper areas, board outline, documentation? If yes then do **CTRL+A** to select everything then click and hold on any highlighted object and drag or use the arrow keys to move in X and Y (that may take a while for a big layout). Or drag a box around it all and drag. Remeber that there's a difference between a right and left drag in terms of what gets selected (see if you just want to move everything on the canvas with respect to the origin then use the **Canvas Origin** button on the PCB Tools palette. ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20160624/576ce735a12fe.png
andyfierman 8 years ago
If you want to change the shape and size of the PCB outline then click on the outline and click on the green circles to drag the vertices. Click on the blue circles to add another vertex. If you draw the outline as line segments then you can edit the XY coordinates of the end points directly and easily ensure that the whole outline is closed by being able to exactly co-locate the start of each segment with the end of the next. See also:
donfrench 8 years ago
@support I will try to explain better what I was trying to do. I want to increase one dimension of a rectangular board outline (just the outline, not anything else), like the X dimension, while keeping the board outline a rectangle. In most software, to do this, you draw a selection box around the edge you want to move and drag that selection. And when you do that, the entire edge moves, and the attached sides stay attached and stretch. But I haven't been able to select just an edge with EasyEDA, only the entire board outline. When I select the outline, nodes appear as dots on the corners and at the mid-points and quarter-points of the edges, and the nodes can be selected and dragged. So what I kept trying to do, based on my past experience, was to select the center node and drag it. This made a triangle shape on that edge rather than moving the whole edge. I tried to correct the problem by then moving each of the corner nodes to align with the center node, one at a time, but it is next to impossible to keep the outline a nice neat rectangle this way. But now I see that if I select one of the corner nodes first, instead of the center node, and moving it and then selecting the other corner and moving it, that the problem goes away.
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