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Stub detection in DRC
645 4
MikeDB 4 years ago
Is it possible to add a feature to detect unused stubs in PCB tracks ?  They sometimes get created when one reroutes or removes a component and I almost missed one today which could have been a problem had it remained when I have the PCB fabbed.
andyfierman 4 years ago
Do you mean this sort of thing? Such as get left over after Autorouter runs and unintended mouse clicks during routing... ![image.png](//
MikeDB 4 years ago
That or even longer yes.  I don't use the autorouter but I sometimes delete a component or move it and accidently leave a stub.
andyfierman 4 years ago
The autorouter is quite bad at leaving little stubs of track around pads as it tries different routes. Having said so much about why autorouting is universally a bad idea, I have used it a couple of times just to satisfy myslef that it really is not very good. I did have one board where it worked quite well but only because it was a dog slow 4k series CMOS board with a 32kHz clock. I saved me enough time that I could have several goes with the autorouter and see what gave the least mess to tidy up afterwards.
MikeDB 4 years ago
Having used other many autorouters, I'm afraid calling it "not very good" is an understatement.  I did say a year ago that I would take up a paid subscription if they launched a viable autorouter, but I see no sign of one.  In fact a proper autorouter is a solution to my problem even on hand laid out PCBs as it would go through it and not find anything better, but would point out and ask to remove any unused stubs.
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