The EasyEDA SPICE model and subckt library list (last updated170710 (YYMMDD)) : Sheet1
lists '111 BATTERY_LEADACID_12V_7AH subckt 10-20 18:15'.
I created a 'public' circuit 'TestSimA' in my user area. My voltage probes do not display
any voltage on the graph. Looking at the 'subckt' it appears the line establishing
a 6 cell battery is disabled. I haven't figured out where/how to find this subckt so I can edit it.
Concise problem statement: 12 volt 7ah battery is not initialized to 12 volts.
Steps to reproduce bug:
1. Load 'TestSimA' from my user area.
2. Run the document. A graph is generated, with two voltage identifiers, but the voltages are zero!
Results: The battery is 'DEAD' (improperly initialized).
Expected results: 12VDC available to power the circuit simulation. Voltage curves should be displayed on the graph.
Browser: Latest Chrome