Subckt calls and parameter passing to subckts is broken.
Something has changed in EE.
Up until a day or two ago my Fuse and Crystal Oscillator example circuits as originally posted, worked OK.
The subckts as originally posted have been changed (I have put them back to where they were as originally posted for the moment).
This is one demonstration of the problem.
With no parameter appended to the name of F1:
` Properties > Part Attributes > Model = FUSE`
In the netlist, the subckt call for XF1 to FUSE has the instance XF1 appended to it:
This is not correct because the name of the subckt that is to be called is:
` fuse`
Therefore, this example does not run.
The same example runs OK in ngspice.com:
Browser:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0