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Subckt calls and parameter passing broken2
1046 2
example 11 years ago
**BUG** This is the 2nd part of trying to show what has gone wrong with subckt calls and parameter passing to subckts. Subckt calls and parameter passing to subckts is broken. Something has changed in EE. Up until a day or two ago my example circuits as originally posted, worked OK. This is a second demonstration of the problem. With no parameter appended to the name of F1: ` Properties > Part Attributes > Model = FUSE` In the netlist, the subckt call for XF1 to FUSE has the instance XF1 appended to it: ` FUSE_XF1` This works in this example only because the the name of the pasted in subckt that is to be called is: ` fuse_xf1` If Ifuse=200m is appended to the Model of F1: Properties > Part Attributes > Model > FUSE Ifuse-200m Then this example no longer runs. However, if the Model of F1 is change and then Ifuse=200m is appended: Properties > Part Attributes > Model > FUSE_XF1 Ifuse-200m Then this example does run. This shows that it is the error in the naming of the subckt call that is breaking the parameter passing to the subckt. Note that if a second fuse, F2, is added to the schematic, the name in the netlist appears as FUSE_XF2. This is wrong: subckt calls to the same subckt MUST have the same name. This example runs OK in Url: Browser:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0
dillon 11 years ago
>Properties > Part Attributes > Model > FUSE Ifuse-200m Model **FUSE** is in our Database, you can't call it in that way. You can use Model Fuse , then set ifuse as 200m follow the below image. ![Alt text](//) >Properties > Part Attributes > Model > FUSE_XF1 Ifuse-200m Yes, it can work. Because FUse_XF1 is not in our database, we can't do anthing, you just input the subckt in the schematic, so it works. >This is wrong: subckt calls to the same subckt MUST have the same name. Same model, but maybe with the diffirenct param. so we take it as diffirenct.
example 11 years ago
Oh! I'm sorry Dillon and Eric!! I *completely* missed what you had done to put the parameters as Custom Attrbutes in the Properties panel. That is brilliant: so much better than having to teach users that they have to add parameters in the part name the way I showed in my original example. I have put the FUSE model back to as you changed it to accept parameters from the Custom Attrbutes. There *was* a small problem with the way you had changed the models. It did not stop them working but it did distract me from looking carefully at how you had made them work with the Custom Attrbutes. The problem was that part of the text I had put into the models had got deleted so the explanation of how what the model did was missing. I have corrected that in the FUSE and the XTALfast models now. Sorry for my misunderstanding. :)
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