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Support for M(ove) in SOLIDREGION in PCB Editor
796 2
andreasbernhofer 4 years ago
Hi, since EasyEDA struggles with SVG import I'm currently writing my own SVG import that converts SVG to SVG Nodes or SOLIDREGION Nodes. While SVG Nodes work fine with complex shapes, SOLIDREGION has problems as soon as more than one closed path / a M(ove) command is within the region. EasyEDA is not able to drag / move SOLIDREGION Nodes that contain a M(ove). Within the GUI it looks like it moved the region, but it throws an error in the console and when you reopen the project the region is back where it was after the import. However, even complex shapes seem to render fine when creating gerber files. So the region actually works. So, can you please add support for more complex solid regions that contains moves? This is essential for regions with cutouts because these cannot be split into separate regions! Thx ![EasyEDA Editor with complex SOLIDREGION](// ![EasyEDA with imported SVG as SOLIDREGION](//
UserSupport 4 years ago
Solid region and copper area doesn't support this path, then we make a simplify for the interset region after finish drawing. because of the interset region will make the Gerber incorrect. and the solid region doesn't support the create a hole inside. it maybe likes this M command ![图片.png](//
andreasbernhofer 4 years ago
Thx... My import script now splits each SVG path at the M(ove) command into a seperate solid region, so the import works fine. However, this means that holes are not supported within a solid region, only in an SVG node. [](
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