**Feature Request**
Brief title for your desired feature: Support Copy/Paste Between PCBs and PCB Modules
How would you like the feature to work? Copy and paste should work the same as it does now between PCBs, but also work between PCBs and PCB modules. Ditto for Schematics and Schematic Modules. I also see no reason for requiring the shift key to paste in another document. Ordinary paste is the usual behavior in most GUI applications.
Why is this feature important to you? When creating a PCB module that matches the corresponding schematic module, the PCB module cannot be updated to reflect changes in the schematic module. Therefore, a regular PCB must be used for this development, but then the changes cannot be transferred to the PCB module. The workaround is to copy the text source, change the document type and reimport it into the PCB module. Plain old copy and paste should just be available.
I am using the schematic and matching PCB module in order to create a rather complex board with multiple instances of these modules. The module feature is great, especially with the automatic renumbering. Creating the modules is currently rather cumbersome due to the limitations of the PCB module copy & paste.