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Suspicious VCC and GRD check in midi controller boards
935 1
yalexein 5 years ago
Hi guys, I'm building a midi-controller and this is a board with multiplexers and pin out the other another board. I'm being suspicious about VCC and ground.. I have taken a simultation on both boards and they ended up bad. But I have used NetVCC and NetGround... Pardon my naive knowledge. 1. **Arduino Uno board shield for multiplexers** [https://easyeda\.com/editor\#id=\|4d43712118db414aa9c40491498475f3\|e37cad6ee3144000a15617c24be98f7d](|4d43712118db414aa9c40491498475f3|e37cad6ee3144000a15617c24be98f7d) Simulation: Warning: singular matrix:  check nodes vcc and vcc 2. **Board for Pot and Buttons**.. []( Simulation: Warning: singular matrix:  check nodes vcc and vcc I have no PCB experience at all and I don't have studied electronics. Someone can give a hint on the project? Thanks to all.
andyfierman 5 years ago
Please read: []( In particular (3) in: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/Welcome\_to\_EasyEDA\-31e1288f882e49e582699b8eb7fe9b1f](
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