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TSV621 SPice model too long?
638 5
huguesdecarvalho 3 years ago
Hi, I would like to use a TSV621 op-amp in my simulation. I watched: [010 Simulation Library - YouTube]( and I understand that I have to copy the SPice simulation file under "Edit -> Spice model". The SPice macromodel is available here: [TSV621 - Rail-to-rail input/output 5V CMOS Op-Amp, micro-power (29uA), GBP=420kHz, single - STMicroelectronics]( UM0065 states this macromodel is compatible with Pspice and SPice simulators. Upon simulation of my circuit, the following pop-up appears: ![image.png](// If I go back into the model of my TSV621 and open up "Edit -> Spice model" I notice the model has been truncated (the end has been removed)! Maybe there is a length limit to the SPice model? I would greatly appreciate any help in resolving this issue and having a functional TSV621 model. Thank you, Hugues
andyfierman 3 years ago
Please post the url that points directly to the spice model. Thanks.
andyfierman 3 years ago
Can you also post the model text either side of where the truncation occurs and the actual truncated to text to see exactly where the truncation occurs.
andyfierman 3 years ago
There is now a ready-to-use Spice Symbol for this part in the library with a spice model associated with it. Please see this project for a demonstration: [](
andyfierman 3 years ago
The problem is that the model contains a "less than" character (`>`). This should not be a problem but due to a parsing error in EasyEDA this character is being incorrectly parsed as a JSON code character so the rest of the content of the model is being deleted. Uploading the model to the library as I did last night avoids this problem.
andyfierman 3 years ago
My Bad: The problem is that the model contains a "less than" character (`
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