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Tapped transformer secondary phases are wrong: please correct spice pin numbering of US symbols only.
697 1
andyfierman 4 years ago
**Update: 200529. See end of Bug Report.** As reported in: []( the phasing of the secondaries in: ![image.png](// and: ![image.png](// are wrong. To correct this, please swap the spice pin numbering of pins 3 and 5 on the symbols as shown below: * Spice pin number of pin 3 must be changed to 5 * Spice pin number of pin 5 must be changed to 3 I can't change this because i do not have access to the EELib symbols library **Update** The EU version of the centre tapped DC transformer is OK but the EU version of the Mutual Inductors centre tapped transformer is also broken **and** both EU and US single primary, single secondary mutual inductor transformers have lost their models! The easiest way to correct the US Tapped transformer is still to swap the spice pin numbering of pins 3 and 5 on the symbol as shown below: * Spice pin number of pin 3 must be changed to 5 * Spice pin number of pin 5 must be changed to 3 Both Mutual inductor transformers were originally written for Ngspice can now be rewritten more efficiently in LTspice. Here are two new netlists for the Mutual inductor transformers but you will have to do whatever is required to add the parameterisation though the UI. This is the subckt netlist for the EU and US single primary and single secondary mutual inductors transformer. It includes showing how the spice pin numbering must map to the symbol pin numbers: ``` ************************************************************************ * Symbol pins numbered anti-clockwise from top left: *                                1        2         3        4 .SUBCKT Mutual_Inductors2_XT1 pri_dot pri_nodot sec_nodot sec_dot * 200529 ** L1 pri_nodot pri_dot 1m Rser=1u L2 sec_nodot sec_dot 2m Rser=1u K L1 L2 .ENDS ************************************************************************ ``` and for the EU and US single primary, centre tapped secondary mutual inductor transformers. It includes showing how the spice pin numbering must map to the symbol pin numbers: ``` ************************************************************************ * Symbol pins numbered anti-clockwise from top left: *                                1        2         3        4      5 .SUBCKT Mutual_Inductors2_XT1 pri_dot pri_nodot sec_nodot sec_ct sec_dot * 200529 ** L1 pri_nodot pri_dot 1m Rser=1u L2 sec_ct sec_dot 2m Rser=1u L3 sec_nodot sec_ct 3m Rser=1u K L1 L2 L3 .ENDS ************************************************************************ ```
jlcooper 4 years ago
@andyfierman Thank You, Andy. Coop
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