You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
The DRC error message
982 24
<span class="colour" style="color: rgb(55, 65, 81);">I hope this email finds you well. I am currently using EasyEDA for my design project and I encountered an issue related to the Design Rule Check (DRC). I would greatly appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter.</span> <span class="colour" style="color: rgb(55, 65, 81);">The DRC error message I received is as follows:</span> <span class="colour" style="color: rgb(55, 65, 81);">"Der Abstand zwischen zwei Objekten ist kleiner als der in der Designregelprüfung (DRC) angegebene Abstand, der unterschiedliche Netze."</span> <span class="colour" style="color: rgb(55, 65, 81);">Translation: "The distance between two objects is smaller than the distance specified in the Design Rule Check (DRC) for different nets."</span> <span class="colour" style="color: rgb(55, 65, 81);">I'm seeking guidance on how to address this issue and ensure that the objects meet the required spacing according to the design rules.</span> <span class="colour" style="color: rgb(55, 65, 81);">Any help or suggestions you can provide would be highly appreciated. Thank you for your time and support.</span> <span class="colour" style="color: rgb(55, 65, 81);">Best regards, [Your Name]</span> <span class="colour" style="color: rgb(55, 65, 81);">Feel free to customize the message with any additional information or specific details regarding your project or the issue you're facing.</span>
Do you know how long they take to answer?
as you can see there is enough space <br> ![Bildschirmfoto 2023-06-09 um 15.00.49.png](//
andyfierman 1 year ago
Check your Design Rules. [](
Hi Andy, This is my first time working on a PCB, and I've encountered an error. What confuses me is that there is enough space: \- The thin lines are 1mm wide\, and their pads are 1\.524mm with 0\.914mm spacing\. \- The thick lines are 2mm wide\, and their pads are 2\.2mm with 1\.3mm spacing\. At first glance, I don't see my mistake, but it's my first time doing this. I must confess that I changed the placement of the pads from the original design because when I printed the sheet on my printer, the pads didn't align. I want to send it to a company to manufacture my PCB, and I encountered this error. Could you please help me? Many regards, Ruben
![Foto 2 .png](//
I see the X, but I don't understand, no line or PAD is being crossed.
andyfierman 1 year ago
Your reply does not suggest that you have actually checked your Design Rules (and not just the results of your DRC) as pointed to in my first reply. Your screenshots do not show enough information and your project is private so only you can see it. Please  show the full details of the DRC error information, the netnames on your tracks and pads and your Design Rules or, preferably, make the project public and post the url to it here. See: [](
[](<br> <br> [https://easyeda\.com/editor\#id=\|08fb085a1c6b488296f07fec1356157f](|08fb085a1c6b488296f07fec1356157f)<br> <br> ![Bildschirmfoto 2023-06-09 um 21.56.19.png](//
I had difficulties with this component. ![Bildschirmfoto 2023-06-09 um 22.15.40.png](//
The holes of the pads didn't align when I printed it on my home printer, so I manually changed the positions of the pads. They fit on the paper, but I want to send it for PCB fabrication, and since it's my first time doing something like this, I'm being cautious.
Calum22 1 year ago
@rubendariodelcastillocampos It is a good tip to print the gerbers to check it all aligns, however, you should make sure you also print something on the same doc that will help confirm correct scale (e.g add a 10x10cm square box before printing, and then you measure the printout to be sure that the box is 10x10cm)
Hi Calum22, thanks for the advice, I printed 5cm![9bb5500c-b246-4c46-b0e0-5cfd4a240a7a.JPG](// x 10Cm because my card is 18x 6, as you can see in the picture everything is correct. <br> There was a component that was in the library that the users had created, I changed the measurements and it is exactly that component that has the failures. it is the first time I make a platen and I want it to withstand 4A, I have made the lines of 2 millimeters and I would like to print the card with 70microns, to be calm. What worries me is if I have made a mistake in the spacing between the lines and make a circuit break. Sorry to report so late, I did not have internet access. Many greetings and thanks for the generous help.
andyfierman 1 year ago
@rubendariodelcastillocampos, "This is my first time working on a PCB," There are a number of things wrong with your PCB. They are basic errors that can easily be corrected but at the same time could easily have been avoided if you had taken the time to read the documentation that is available and pointed to as "Must read" documentation before you started trying to make your first PCB in EasyEDA. 1. EasyEDA is not simply a drawing tool where you draw coloured lines to indicate the paths of copper traces. Objects in any EDA tool are connected by netnames. If they have the same net name then they are connected. If they do not have the same net name then they are are not connected even if the overlapping coloured lines appear to show that they are joined. Such unconnected overlapping lines are indicated as errors in the DRC. 2. Your screenshots did not show net names in the tracks and pads in your settings so others could not easily see that one section of a track has a different netname to another or to a pad that it appears joined to. 3. In a couple of places you have placed vias in the centres of multi-layer pads. These vias are unnecessary and generate errors in the DRC. The DRC results show you where these vias are when you click on the DRC list entries. 4. You have encountered a problem with the User Contributed footprint content because you did not follow the advice in the essential checklists pointed to as sections (4) and (6) in (2) in: []( In there it is recommended that ALL symbols and footprints are checked against the original manufacturer's datasheets for pin and dimensional accuracy. 5. The basic net naming problem in your PCB arises because you have not followed the recommended EasyEDA Design Flow shown in the Tutorial, (1) and in (2.2) in (2) in: []( and designed the PCB directly in the PCB Editor rather than creating a properly documented and checked Schematic in the Schematic Editor first and thne done Convert to PCB... from that schematic. 6. Calum22's point about printing a check sheet with known dimentsions on it is a very good one but misses out the steps that before trying to print any sort of proof sheets, the footprints should have been checked against the manufacturer's datasheets and the printer settings should have been checked to verifythat they are set for accurately dimensioned 1:1 scaled printing. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
andyfierman 1 year ago
This link points to information that may help you understand how to define track widths and spacings: [](
Hello Andy, Thank you very much for your kind explanation, I am surprised by your intelligence to have realized that I only made lines, for me drawing is easier, I am an artist who wants to make a remote control, I have researched a lot on youtube to get to do this project that for you must be something easy, I am fascinated with the world of programming and I feel great admiration for you mechatronics. I don't speak English, I write with the deepl translator, and it will be very complicated for me to advance without errors. can i send it to print like this, or do i have to connect it like the other components (the other components fit without any problem, that's why i didn't make any changes to them). greetings from germany Ruben
do you know of any links to German or Spanish releases?
I would like to know why the components I corrected are not the correct size? Is this normal or is it a bug in the component?
andyfierman 1 year ago
@rubendariodelcastillocampos, "I would like to know why the components I corrected are not the correct size? Is this normal or is it a bug in the component?" Not everyone is careful to make and check their symbols and footprints match the original datasheets. Sometimes even the EasyEDA, LCSC or JLCPCB library parts have mistakes too. (2.3) in (2) in: May help you understand how to find, edit and create symbols and Footprints better. Sorry but I don't think there are good translations. You can try using a mix of Google, Bing and other translation tools.
andyfierman 1 year ago
All you have to do is to remove the Vias and then edit the net names of the tracks so that for each set of tracks that are connected together, they all have the same net names such a V12V, V5V and GND.
Hi Andi, I want to thank you for your contribution to the community. Unfortunately, it's very difficult for me to follow you. I feel that your knowledge is so advanced that beginners like me end up even more confused after asking questions. In reality, I have watched YouTube videos where I've learned much more with much less effort than following the links you provide. I am truly grateful, but I still don't have the necessary experience to keep up with you. Is there someone else who can help me? Thank you, Ruben
Markus_ee 1 year ago
Hello Ruben! I at least found a few mistakes. Adding microscopic vias inside a pad is a no no. That's where you get DRC errors. Also your routing method is not good, I'll attach a picture how these tracks should be routed. ![image.png](// ![image.png](// Let me know, if you want more help. I might help you further... Regards, Markus Virtanen HW / Electronics Designer
Hi Markus, Thank you very much for taking the time to look at my PCB, I see that I have made more than one mistake. It's a new world for me that I wanted to explore. I thought that avoiding 90-degree angles in the traces was enough, but now I see that I have a lot to learn. Do you know: 1. If the trace widths are correct? 2. What risks do I have by making routing errors? 3. How can I change the spacing between pads? 4. What would happen if I order a PCB as it is now? Greetings and thanks, Ruben
Markus_ee 1 year ago
Hello Ruben! 1\. Trace widths are dependent on what currents you want to pull through them\. I looked that you use 2mm trace widths\, which to me is good at the input side\. However\, output wires from DC\-DC converters should be same width as well\, 1mm might not be enough if you want to pull 3A max what LM2596 MODULEs are rated for\. 2\. To me\, clearance is good to have especially when you might have high input voltages\. So\, don't take risks\. Create good clearances between tracks\. 3\. You need to specify a bit more where do you want to change the spacing? If you want to move pads a bit more distant from each others\, then you just change the x or y coordinates or move the pad with your mouse\.  4. I can't confirm anything if this works or not, you don't have schematic in your project. Also you have hand drawn components that are not library components. This creates an extra problem confirming about the operationality/functionality of your circuit. I believe those two in the middle are relays? Try to use as much as possible EasyEDA library components and you can get LM2596 modules from user contributed library. Draw a schematic that helps confirming the functionality of the circuit...Maybe after that you can get a good PCB design for yourself. Regards, Markus Virtanen HW / Electronics Designer
Hi Markus 1 the first LM2596 is to give 5 volts with milliamps of signal, that's why only one millimeter. 2 that's why I separated the signal from the electricity. 3 that was my biggest doubt. you mean I would only have had to ungroup the component and separate them to move the Pads? They are not raleys, it works with mosfet, I wanted it silent. 4 the problem was that the holes of the Pads of the component that was in the library were not in the correct position. BR Ruben
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