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The pcb design random shorts stuff
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benjaminds 6 years ago
Hi, I looked at everything in my schematic but I can't find why it randomly shorts the power supply and many other things. Is there anyone that could help me? thanks[The PCB](
andyfierman 6 years ago
You need to learn how to use the Design Manager (Design button in the left hand panel). Please see (4) and (6) in: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/Welcome\_to\_EasyEDA\-31e1288f882e49e582699b8eb7fe9b1f](
andyfierman 6 years ago
It is unhelpful and bad schematic capture practice to draw a schematic using an innappropriate grid size: you have used 25 instead of the default 10, to which almost all Schematic Symbols have their pin spacings placed on. This makes it hard to check if all the pins are properly snapped to the wires. It would also help a very great deal if you attached net labels to your nets because they have been auto-assigned net labels that make it very hard to locate what are power supply and ground and what are other nets. Using coloured nets is OK but you should avoid red because it is hard to see if it has been highlighted or not. You need to check very carefully that the pins on the Schematic Symbols that you have used have been mapped correctly onto the pins of the PCB Footprints that you have used. This is especially true of the Arduino device especially because they are Use Contributed and are so badly documented that it is impossible to decide which ones you have used. Please see: [](
andyfierman 6 years ago
As far as I can tell, the PCB is correct to the schematic but I am not that familiar with the Arduino pinout so what I said earlier about the need to check very carefully that the pins on the Schematic Symbols that you have used have been mapped correctly onto the pins of the PCB Footprints that you have used. In other words, check that the PCB footprint pin numbering is correct to the datasheet and then check that the pin numbering on the Schematic symbol matches it. Note that you have no power supply decoupling and your PCB layout around the L293 motor driver is totally inadequate compared to the manufacturer's datasheet recommendations. See section 11 of: [](
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