You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Thermal pad affects bottom layer but doesn't show in it
857 3
robsproj 6 years ago
I have just had a design rejected by JLCPCB because a hole in a pad would have cut a trace in the bottom layer.  The way EasyEDA displayed the pad, it wasn't clear to me that there were holes.  I have rerouted the tracks now, but here is an image of the top and bottom layers with holes indicated in the top, but not in the bottom.![pad location and description](// As you can see, those holes don't appear on the bottom layer though their description is 32mil diameter plated holes (sorry, description in above image was of the pad, not the hole).  So these are thermal vias.  They should appear in the bottom layer shouldn't they? Now I am concerned that there will still be problems for the fabricators because of these inconsistencies.  Does something need to be done about this pad definition?  FWIW, the pad in question was the default VQFN24 associated with the TI MSP430FR2433 microcontroller. Thanks for any advice.
andyfierman 6 years ago
I have submitted this as a Bug Report: []( If a pad has holes in it then they should be shown clearly on all layers and all views in the PCB Editor. * It is, however, important to remember that before submitting the Gerbers for manufacture, they **must** be checked using a viewer such as gerbv or the online EasyEDA tool. This is because they are the final check that will show _exactly_ what is going to be fabricated on the end PCB. This true not just for EasyEDA but for all PCB tools.
UserSupport 6 years ago
Hi It is a known issue. we working on it. thanks
robsproj 6 years ago
@andyfierman, thanks for that.  I'll make sure to check the gerbers for all future orders.
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