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Through hole Wire Solder Pad
2105 11
Kevin Roach 2 years ago
Ok! This may be a stupid question but I am going to ask anyway. I have moved over from Eagle and I am trying to add a through hole solder pad on a smt pcb. My question is should it be added on the schematic or pcb? If either how do you do it? I could also just add a smt pad to solder the wire to, but don't know how to do that either. I have searched videos and help but can't find it. Thanks, Kevin
andyfierman 2 years ago
As it states in (2.2) in (2) in: [](<br> <br> "If it's on or forms an integral part of the PCB then it should be represented in the schematic." Find, edit or create a suitable footprint for a single through hole pad. Place a schematic symbol for any single pin through hole header in the schematic and then and assign your single pin footprint to the symbol using the Footprint Manager. Set the following symbol attributes:  Convert to PCB  = Yes Add into BOM = No Then do Update PCB...
Kevin Roach 2 years ago
? [](
andyfierman 2 years ago
! [](
Kevin Roach 2 years ago
@andyfierman Read it! Is there a problem as to how I asked for help?
andyfierman 2 years ago
Have you read the documents that it links to? i.e. (2.2) in (2) because that is where the procedure I outlined is described. The same procedure is also described in answer to several similar topics which come up fairly regularly on the forum asking the same question as yourself. :)
Kevin Roach 2 years ago
So, what you are telling me is don't bother asking a question that's already been asked even if you have searched around and watched videos.
andyfierman 2 years ago
@kevinroach62, Not at all. I answered your question in my first reply. "I have searched videos and help..." is meaningful to you since you know which videos and help you have searched but it is unclear for anyone else because there are so many videos and "help" articles for EasyEDA, from a variety of sources. Hence I also pointed you to further information that, from your post, you seemed to be unaware of and which also includes some help on improving the results of searches for information that sometimes is not easy to locate using EasyEDA's own search tool.
andyfierman 2 years ago
For info: Here are some of the other topics on this subject found by searching 'Forum' on: []( for the term: Wire hole [](<br> <br> [](<br> <br> [](
greg_dickson 2 years ago
Whether you put it on the schematic is really up to you and your particular use case. The way I look at it is if it needs to be shown in the schematic ie. someone will look at the schematic only and need a description of that pad/hole. As you have probably found there is an add pad icon in the pcb design section. Or a quick cheat I use often is to click only on the pad of a similar component to highlight just that pad. Copy that. Then paste it where you want it. If you paste it on a wire it usually changes it's net to that of the wire.
andyfierman 2 years ago
@greg_dickson, If you have a connection to a circuit that is to be made by soldering a wire straight into ( or onto) a pad on the PCB then you should represent that connection somehow in the schematic in the same way as if that connection was to be made using a physical connector. So there has to be a symbol for it in the schematic. That symbol can be any single pin connector with its attributes edited to make it ckearcthatvitvis just a hole or a pad and to make it not appear in the BOM. As soon as you have that symbol in the schematic then you have the mechanism to assign a Footprint to it for the plated through pad or whatever is required to be automatically pulled into the PCB by doing Update PCB... That Footprint can be designed to be correctly dimensioned to accommodate the wire diameter and pad annular making sure then that the correct pad is always pulled into the PCB. That way you have a clearly drawn and identifiable connection in the schematic that matches up with a clearly defined and identifiable pad on the PCB that is less likely to be accidentally left off, modified or deleted. Surely that is better than having a wire in the schematic with some sort of net label or flag that loosely represents a connection but which will then (at least for a single point connection) generate an Incomplete Connection DRC in both the schematic and the PCB.
andyfierman 2 years ago
Oops. Finger trouble: "... to make it ckearcthatvitvis just a hole..." was supposed to say: "... to make it clear that it is just a hole..."
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