You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
【Tip and Skill】How to create the desktop client for yourself
8474 5
UserSupport 5 years ago
EasyEDA client base on open source project Electron, but it maybe has some bugs. There is a new menthod to ceate a new client for you. And it looks like official client, and maybe better. * Install Chrome.  []( * Open EasyEDA editor at Chrome.  []( * Via: Options - More tools - Create shortcut... * ![图片.png](// * Open as Window. * ![图片.png](// * You will see it at the desktop. * Open it. * A new clent is created * ![图片.png](// Or you can install Chromium Edge and follow these steps to ceate the client too.
Zachary Tayson 4 years ago
that isn't the same as the pc client, that's just a browser link on desktop
UserSupport 4 years ago
@notquitekyusha You can treat client as a browser without website address type bar...
duritskiy 3 years ago
Thank you!!!
dinul100 2 years ago
It just a shortcut which redirects to the easyeda.
UserSupport 2 years ago
@dinul100 Yes, it is
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