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Top layer tracks suddenly disappeared!
850 2
JulesP 4 years ago
Hi there, I was busily correcting DRC errors by adjusting track clearances when all of a sudden all my top layer red coloured tracks vanished. All I have showing now is like the 'Silk' layer and none of the components can be moved. It's as if something has locked the board and removed the visibility of all the top layer tracks. Can anyone suggest how to fix this? I attach an earlier version showing what it was looking like and then the current view. Thanks Julian ![Normally visible tracks.jpeg](// ![Top layer tracks disappeared.jpeg](//
andyfierman 4 years ago
Looks like you have just turned off the visibility of the top layer and therefore you will not be able to move any of the footprints. ![image.png](//
JulesP 4 years ago
Ok a simple click to correct. But the puzzling things is I never went near that feature when it happened. Thanks anyway🙂
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