You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
591 1
Vitaliy Cherne 4 years ago
TopSolderMaskLayer is a protective varnish. It covers textile and copper. What layer is TopPasteMaskLayer? with the bottom layer the same problem. The viewer, when using the TopSolderMaskLayer layer, shows that the portion of the board is without varnish. Open copper and fiberglass. But with further viewing and sending to production, the selected areas are completely covered with copper.
andyfierman 4 years ago
Each paste mask layer is used to make a solder paste stencil for SMD assembly. The stencil is a thin metal sheet which - in a process similar to screen printing - is laid over the finished but unpopulated PCB and then a solder paste is be smeared over it, leaving a small amount of solder paste on each pad. The stencil is then removed and components are placed, retained by the solder paste, and the assembly is then put into an infrared reflow oven to melt the solder paste. More here: [https://www\.allpcb\.com/soldermask/solder\_mask\_paste\_mask\.html](
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