Hello, everybody! When I try to route wire on bottom layer over any object on top layer, this wire is invisible (top layer object closes bottom layer wire), so I can't see, whire I'm routing bottom layer wire. The bottom layer wire closes by top layer wires and pads (as a minimum).
Here you can see wire, when top layer is off (invisible), look for the R2_2 wire
![enter image description here][1]
And here you can see what happend, when I switch on the top layer (it is present, but invisible (note, that R2_2 wire label is present))
![enter image description here][2]
[1]: /editor/20170707/595f5d66064db.JPG
[2]: /editor/20170707/595f5df3b462b.JPG
System Windows 7 x64, Google Chrome brouser.