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Top to bottom swap in successive PCB module placements
819 1
andyfierman 8 years ago
**BUG** Concise problem statement: At present there appears to be a bug that swaps the placement of PCB modules which include tracking module from top to bottom orientation with alternate placements. Steps to reproduce bug: 1. Create a new PCB 2. Create an arbitrary board outline 3. SHIFT+F search for `ANF PCB TEST MODULE` 4. Place two or more instances on the PCB. Results: * Alternate instances swap traces top to bottom layers but leave SMD pads on top layer. (Layout mirrors left to right). See: for a workaround for this swapping. * Also: reference designators (prefixes) increment correctly but net names are unchanged in each instance. Expected results: * Successive placements should be identical and * net names should increment fromone instance to the next (for example append a numerical suffix such as _1, _2 etc.,) to prevent accidental connection between instances. Browser: Chrome (not tried if Firefox)
dillon 8 years ago
thanks, will dig this
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