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Trying to understand net labels
5558 1
wfry 7 years ago
I'm new to EasyEDA but not EDA in general. I'm trying to figure out how net labels work. When I place a net label, it appear to simply be an annotation, that is to say, it doesn't seem to really be "attached" to the wire in any significant way. I tried an experiment where I placed VCC, wired it to a gate, then added two more wires to other gates and joined them all together. After that, I added a different net label to each of the other wires. I then converted the schematic to a PCB and got no errors or warnings. See [this project][1]. Any help or feedback would be greatly appreciated! [1]:
andyfierman 7 years ago
As I am sure you are aware, Net labels (a.k.a. netnames) are a way of joining nets without the need to draw in the wires. This is illustrated in section 4.7 of the EasyEDA Simulation eBook: Components are connected by netnames The description and examples in there are equally valid for non-simulation schematics. The use of net labels is essential to make the `Bus` and `Bus Entry` symbols work in a schematic. The way EasyEDA works at present, the net labels are attached to nets where their attachment node touches them but - unless they are attached to the end of a net - if the net is dragged, they do not drag with the net. Netlabels are overwritten by the placement of a VolProbe (voltage probe). Any netlabel is overwritten by the last placed netlabel on a net so placing a netlable `B` on a net will be overwritten by placing a netlabel `C` which will in turn be overwritten by placing a netlabel `A` on that net. You are arguably correct in that placing more than one net label on the same net should generate a warning simply because it would be helpful but the fact of multiple netlabel placements on a net does not in itself cause any conflict within the netlisting process.
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