You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Two plane layers automatically have their net set to ground periodically
453 2
Sander Sieglaff 4 years ago
Recently, the PCB editor has been giving me a weird issue. I am working on 3 four-layer boards, the middle two layers are plane layers and the outside two layers are signal layers. I had noticed a little while ago that when something that passes through these planes is edited, the plane itself doesn't update unless it is toggled on and off in the layer view option under the tools tab. However, now whenever I toggle these layers on and off, my VCC layer's net gets changed to my GND net. This confused me for quite some time. To get around this, I just have to select my VCC layer and set the net to the VCC label, but I am concerned that this can lead to a shorted board like some I have gotten in the past from JLC. If you need any more information, please let me know and I can try to provide it. Thanks, Sander Sieglaff
andyfierman 4 years ago
Can you make a simple public project that demonstrates this behaviour and post the link to it here?
UserSupport 4 years ago
If you delete inner layer tracks, the plane zone A will combine B, and the they nets will combine to one of them ![图片.png](//
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