You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
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mlyman89 3 years ago
Hello, I am having trouble with my relay module second half PCB layout. in the left hand tab, I rename a net, however, it doesn't actually change when I hit the refresh button next to the nets folder. I am also unable to use the save function or the undo function. Is there a way to delete all net names? I don't want to delete the nets or there connections, I just need to rename them all. the reason for this is because I am building a large pcb, and if I try and do it in one schematic, the software moves so slow that it literally take a full minute to route one track, like I rout a track, then it thinks for a full minute before I can start connecting another net. so I need to break up my design into two parts. the reason my two designs are identical, however I cant copy and paste it to a new PCB because the nets will have the same name, so I need a way to change the nets and then a way to save the file when im done.
andyfierman 3 years ago
" in the **left hand tab**, I rename a net, " Do you mean the **right hand panel**? ![image.png](// "I rename a net, however, it doesn't actually change when I hit the refresh button next to the nets folder." "I am also unable to use the save function or the undo function." These all work OK for me. Try closing and reopening your project or maybe just pressing the F5 key. You should find that your project runs faster using the Desktop Client (set to Team Working mode): [](<br> <br> Questions: 1. Why do you not simply use more than one sheet for the schematic? 2. Why do you take the output of the 74HC595, feed into into a ULN2803ADWR then use thas to drive an opto isolator and then use that to drive a 2N2904 and then use that to drive a relay which is wired as a SPST high side switch from an non-galvanically isolated 12V supply? Why not simply use the 74HC595 output to drive a low side logic level N channel MOSFET which in turn drives a P channel MOSFET supplied from 12 V as a high side SPST switch? Far cheaper, more relaible and less board space and complication. 3. Why have you put vias in the moddle of SMY pads when you want to change layer. This is bad practice: you should run a short length of track from the SMT pad and the via to other layers. 4. Your LEDS L33, L34, L33-1 and L34-1 will be destroyed the instant you apply 12V. AFAIK they are not internally current limited LEDs so they must have series resistors. Is this what R100, R101, R100-1 and R101-1 are supposed to be for but have been incorrectly wired up? 5. Why not just run all the logic and relay driving off a single 5V supply? 6. Why do you ask: "Is there a way to delete all net names? I don't want to delete the nets or there connections, I just need to rename them all."? If you are going to rename them you will have to do this one netname at a time so you can simply edit the netname as you go through them. You can find all the instances of a particular net name using the Find Similar Objects... tool. Then you can rename the whole net in the right hand panel. Then do Update PCB... <br> <br> <br> <br>
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