You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Unable to adjust Grid Size, Snap or Alt Snap values below 5
2410 4
Mark Craig 5 years ago
Online EasyEDA V6.2.41, within Canvas Attributes I cannot change either Grid Size, Snap or Alt Snap to values below 5. Had similar when editing a Schematic Lib and a project Schematic. I'm primarily looking to move some text to better align it with other text. When creating a library part I was looking to add some small aesthetic details but couldn't draw them small enough with the given snap/alt snap
UserSupport 5 years ago
Hi I can't reproduce this issue, please try to remove the browser cache and try again?
andyfierman 5 years ago
In the Schematic and Schematic Lib Editors, * I can **not **reduce **Grid** size below 5. * I **can** reduce **Snap size** and **Alt snap** to a minimum value of 1. No problems with PCB and PCB Lib Editors.
Mark Craig 5 years ago
Works fine for me on another computer. I'll clear the cache on my main computer and try again. Thanks for taking a look. @andyfierman I can kinda understand the Grid Size, the screen would get pretty busy with a finer grid.
ae3k 5 years ago
I find that sometimes I can set it below 5, and sometimes not.  Looks like a bug to me.
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