You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Unable to create/save a new project
4142 14
NeilN 3 years ago
Don't know if this is the right place to post my problem but when I try to either start a new project or save a schematic or PCB, I get an error.  The error doesn't tell me what I'm doing incorrectly, it just doesn't let me save anything I'm working on.  I used easyeda and JLCPCB about 2 years ago and had no problems.  But since I recently came back I had to download a newer version.  That's fine, everything works just as it did but as I said if I try to start a new project and fill out the required fields, when I click save it just says "error".  I have tried finding an answer in the tutorials but have found nothing that addresses what is causing my error.  I know I'm doing something wrong but don't have a clue.
andyfierman 3 years ago
Start by telling us if you're using the web or the Desktop Client and if so what you usage mode setting are. Screenshot of the error?
NeilN 3 years ago
Where does it tell me that I am using the Desktop Client?  I don't see that anywhere.  At the very top it says "Projects offline mode".  Do I need to change that to something else?  And if so, how?  How do I include a screenshot of what I am seeing on this forum?  Sorry but I am not experienced with using forum structures and am generally very inept with computers.  Thanks for the help.
andyfierman 3 years ago
You can find out about the Desktop Client (which from your comment about "Projects offline mode" is what you are using so you must have downloaded and installed it at some point...) here: [](<br> <br> "How do I include a screenshot of what I am seeing on this forum?" The simplest way (although you will end up with a big image which may have what you are trying to show dwarfed by its surroundings) is to press the "Print Screen" key to grab a snapshot of your computer screen and then click on your Forum post and do CTRL+V to paste it straight into the Forum post. A much better option is to install a copy the excellent and free [Greenshot]( and let that take over the usage of the "Print Screen" key. Then you can grab the area that you want to show, do "Copy to Clipboard" and then click on your Forum post and do CTRL+V to paste it straight into the Forum post. <br> <br>
NeilN 3 years ago
Thanks for your continuing help.  This is what I get when I try to start a new project:![image.png](// The link you sent said in Project Offline Mode "Project save at local".  I'm not understanding how.
andyfierman 3 years ago
Check that you have set up the location of the **Data Storage Directory** or select "Reset to default directory".
NeilN 3 years ago
Okay I checked that out and clicked "Reset to default directory".  Here is a screenshot of the new error I get: ![image.png](// Notice that it is showing it to be in E drive.  It doesn't let me change that.  And yet if I click on "More Details" it brings up an explanation with this picture: ![image.png](// Which clearly shows it to be in D drive. I would really like it to default to C drive.  Is that possible?
andyfierman 3 years ago
What happens when you click the **Browse** button?
NeilN 3 years ago
I get two files that were made from a flash drive several years ago.
andyfierman 3 years ago
Open your file Manager (Explorer in Windows). Navigate to your Documents folder (on your C drive). If there is not already a folder there called easyeda, create one. Then click the **Browse** button in the EasyEDA Data directory tool and navigate to the Documents\easyeda folder. Click **Apply**.
NeilN 3 years ago
Okay did that.  Now it shows that it is going to that file and asks to relaunch.  Click that and try again and get a new error: ![image.png](//
andyfierman 3 years ago
@UserSupport, I have run out of ideas about this at the moment. Can you help? @NeilN, Is there any particular reason that you decided to use the Desktop Client instead of the web-based version? The web based version "just works". :)
NeilN 3 years ago
Thanks for all your help and patience Andy.  I too have given up.  However, I have no reason to prefer Desktop client over web-based.  I just wanted something that "just works".  Had you told me to just switch to that it may have saved you from trying to get through to my pea brain.
andyfierman 3 years ago
So are you using the web based version now? If not, just go to: [](<br> <br> It works best in Chrome browser or Firefox.
UserSupport 3 years ago
@NeilN Hi please try to uninstall and re-install again
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