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Unable to export BOM/Pick and Place to JLCPCB
896 6
rickrrr 4 years ago
Hello, I'm trying to export a very simple circuit board for production and SMT assembly and am not able to get it to work. The Gerber works as expected but when I try to import the BOM/pick and place into JLCPCB I get an error message saying: "No valid content found." The BOM is as follows: ``` ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity Manufacturer Part Manufacturer Supplier Supplier Part LCSC Assembly 1 S3B-XH-A-1 (LF)(SN) CN1,CN2 CONN-TH_S3B-XH-A-1 (LF)(SN) 2 - JST Sales America LCSC C163036 2 WS2812C LED1 LED-SMD_4P-L5.0-W5.0-BL 1 WS2812C Worldsemi LCSC C114587 Yes ``` And the pick and place: ``` Designator Footprint Mid X Mid Y Ref X Ref Y Pad X Pad Y Layer Rotation Comment "LED1" "LED-SMD_4P-L5.0-W5.0-BL" "24.38mm" "78.23mm" "24.38mm" "78.23mm" "25.88mm" "75.73mm" "B" "0" "WS2812C" "CN1" "CONN-TH_S3B-XH-A-1 (LF)(SN)" "31.75mm" "78.23mm" "31.75mm" "78.23mm" "31.75mm" "80.73mm" "T" "90" "S3B-XH-A-1 (LF)(SN)" "CN2" "CONN-TH_S3B-XH-A-1 (LF)(SN)" "17.15mm" "78.23mm" "17.15mm" "78.23mm" "17.15mm" "75.73mm" "T" "270" "S3B-XH-A-1 (LF)(SN)" ``` I would expect this to work easily or without any intervention from the user so I've placed this into the bug report section. Any tips?
andyfierman 4 years ago
Your project is private so only you can see it. For help please see: [](
rickrrr 4 years ago
Project updated: [](
andyfierman 4 years ago
@rickrrr, Thanks for sharing your project. @UserSupport, I can't see anything wrong with it.
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
@andyfierman dear sir, the instruction may help  [](  [](
rickrrr 4 years ago
@JLCPCBsupport I was able to use that to get something together using the example files but as a first time customer/user I expected the BOM/pick and place to automatically work from easyeda to jlcpcb. Just as easy as the gerber export from EasyEDA to JLCPCB was.
andyfierman 4 years ago
@rickrrr, I agree: The formatting for the BoM and PaP files should be the same for EasyEDA and for JLCPCB. * There should be no need for user intervention to get files from EasyEDA to be read by JLCPCB.
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