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Unconnected pin on subpart but cannot see why.
973 3
example 9 years ago
**BUG** Concise problem statement: Unconnected pin on subpart but cannot see why. In: I have placed two TL084 multi=part devices. When I run the Design Manager it tells me that U3 pin 11 is unconnected. I cannot see why: I have moved the device to see if the wire is dragged, redrawn the wires and ground symbol, moved the power pins to a different sub part, deleted and replaced the sub part, checked everything is on-grid but it still reports that U3 pin 11 is unconnected. The thing that I really don't understand is that it's only pin 11 on U3 that is flagged as unconnected. Pin 11 on U1, the other TL084 is OK. Can you see what the problem is?
dillon 9 years ago
You don't have a `V-` net
example 9 years ago
OK. I added a V- netflag and then it complained about U1 pin 4. So then I added a V+ netflag and it *seemed* happy. But then careful checking showed up the problem of the Design Manager saying that U3 pin 1 is connected to V-. (See Bug Report on "Netlist corruption in Design Manager?")
example 9 years ago
Sorry to keep asking about this but I today reopened the schematic that I had saved 2 days ago and the Design manager is now warning that U3 pin 11 is unconnected. It is not now warning that U3 pin 1 is connected to V-. This is another, much simpler example that shows the same problem: If I add a resistor from VCC to GND then the error goes away! Sorry but I don't understand what is wrong.
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