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Undo broken when editing an ungrouped component
605 5
agys 6 years ago
How to reproduce: \- select a component \- ungroup it \- edit an element \(move\, size\, \.\.\.\) \- press undo \- the element disappears OR \- select a component \- ungroup it \- delete it \(all parts or some\) \- press undo \- the elements won't come back System: \- Mac OS 10\.14\.2 Browsers: \- Firefox 64\.0\.2 \(64\-bit\) \- Safari 12\.0\.2
UserSupport 6 years ago
Can you try v5.9.41? it should be fixed now
agys 6 years ago
@UserSupport That's the version I'm using…! I forgot to mention that the bug appears in the PCB view.
agys 6 years ago
@UserSupport Sorry: I saw that the version string at the bottom of my first comment was still the old one. In any case I just tried it in the current version (5.9.41) but it still doesn't work: \- add a component \(to PCB\) \- ungroup it \- move an element \- press undo \- expect element jumps back to previous position but nothing happens
UserSupport 6 years ago
Hi I try at win10 at Chrome and Firefox, it works well.
agys 6 years ago
@UserSupport I tried it on FF and it works OK as well! So it's an issue tied to Safari (which is unsupported!). Good job and thank you!
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