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Unexpected error while converting WRL file for 3D PCB Lib
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jmgonet 3 years ago
Hi all, I have the WRL file (see below) that I want to import as a PCB 3D Lib: * The file is correctly rendered by a standard library like [x_ite]( * The file is accepted in online validators like [instantreality]( * The file consists in a series of `Shape` elements, just like those we can find in the kicad-packages3D (for example this one: [PinSocket\_1x01\_P2\.54mm\_Horizontal\.wrl]( To load it in EasyEDA I follow the procedure described in [Import 3D File]( * New PCB 3D Lib * Select units: I selected mm (all other values return the same error) * Select the file (I select the one attached below) As soon as I select the file, I get the following error message: * Unexpected error while converting. Perhaps unsupported file or program bug I'm ready to believe that my file contains an error, but I have no way of correcting it: * Is there a way to see some log output? * Is my file incorrect, of the wrong version, or am I missing some key element? Best regards, Jean-Michel ![Unexpected error while converting WRL file for 3D PCB Lib](// ![The WRL file renders correctly in x_ite](// ``` #VRML V2.0 utf8 # # Pin 1: Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 0.5 0.5 0.5 } } geometry Extrusion { beginCap TRUE endCap TRUE ccw TRUE convex TRUE creaseAngle 0 crossSection [ 0.00 0.30, 0.26 0.15, 0.26 -0.15, 0.00 -0.30, -0.26 -0.15, -0.26 0.15, 0.00 0.30 ] solid TRUE spine [ 0 1.75 0, -1 1.75 0, -1 1.75 -4 ] } } # Pin 2 Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 0.5 0.5 0.5 } } geometry Extrusion { beginCap TRUE endCap TRUE ccw TRUE convex TRUE creaseAngle 0 crossSection [ 0.00 0.30, 0.26 0.15, 0.26 -0.15, 0.00 -0.30, -0.26 -0.15, -0.26 0.15, 0.00 0.30 ] solid TRUE spine [ 0 -1.75 0, -1 -1.75 0, -1 -1.75 -4 ] } } # Capacitor side: Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 0.8 0.8 0.8 } textureTransform TextureTransform { scale 1 1 rotation 0 center 0 0 translation 0 0 } texture PixelTexture { image 10 10 1 255 255 255 040 040 040 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 040 255 040 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 040 255 040 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 040 255 040 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 040 255 040 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 040 255 040 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 040 255 040 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 040 255 040 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 040 255 040 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 040 040 040 255 255 255 255 repeatS TRUE repeatT TRUE } } geometry Extrusion { beginCap TRUE endCap TRUE ccw TRUE convex TRUE creaseAngle 0 crossSection [ -3.24 -2.35, -3.80 -1.24, -4.00 0.00, -3.80 1.24, ] solid TRUE spine [ 0.0 0 0, 1.1 0 0, 1.4 0 0, 1.6 0 0, 2.0 0 0, 4.0 0 0, 6.0 0 0, 8.0 0 0, 10.0 0 0, 11.5 0 0 ] scale [ 1 1, 1 1, 0.9 0.9, 0.9 0.9, 1 1, 1 1, 1 1, 1 1, 1 1, 1 1 ] } } # Capacitor Can: Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 0.2 0.2 0.2 } } geometry Extrusion { beginCap TRUE endCap TRUE ccw TRUE convex TRUE creaseAngle 0 crossSection [ 0.00 4.00, 1.24 3.80, 2.35 3.24, 3.24 2.35, 3.80 1.24, 4.00 0.00, 3.80 -1.24, 3.24 -2.35, 2.35 -3.24, 1.24 -3.80, 0.00 -4.00, -1.24 -3.80, -2.35 -3.24, -3.24 -2.35, -3.80 1.24, -3.24 2.35, -2.35 3.24, -1.24 3.80, 0.00 4.00 ] solid TRUE spine [ 0.0 0 0, 1.1 0 0, 1.4 0 0, 1.6 0 0, 2.0 0 0, 4.0 0 0, 11.5 0 0 ] scale [ 1 1, 1 1, 0.9 0.9, 0.9 0.9, 1 1, 1 1, 1 1 ] } } ```
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