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Update Auto Router
581 8
ldanley 5 years ago
So I did a Auto router and it worked well with a some manual routing, but I had to go back to the schematic and change out a dozen components. Now when I try to do  Auto router it want update all of the components. How do I update auto router?
andyfierman 5 years ago
If you have followed the Design Flow in the Tutorial then you will have created the Schematic and then done "Convert to PCB..." from the Schematic Editor. If you have created the Schematic properly, that should have brought all the correct PCB Footprints into the PCB. Next you have placed all your footprints and routed the copper traces to end up with a completed PCB layout. Then you went back to the Schematic "and changed out a dozen components". This makes the schematic different from the PCB so the next thing you have to do is either "Update PCB..." from the Schematic Editor or "Import Changes..." from the PCB Editor. This will bring any changes such as a different device with the same PCB Footprint or a different pinout on the same PCB Footprint or entirely different PCB Footprints into the PCB so the PCB is once again up to date with the Schematic. Then you can manually/auto - re-route any tracks as necessary. Please see (4), (5) and (6) in: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/Welcome\_to\_EasyEDA\-31e1288f882e49e582699b8eb7fe9b1f](
ldanley 5 years ago
So I did all that, but when I tried to auto route it would not auto route many of the new components. It all worked at first but only when I changed parts it won't auto route, even though it said successful.
ldanley 5 years ago
@andyfierman So I did all that, but when I tried to auto route it would not auto route many of the new components. It all worked at first but only when I changed parts it won't auto route, even though it said successful.
andyfierman 5 years ago
Screenshots? Share your project publicly? Email a copy to Support if you don't want to share it publicly?
ldanley 5 years ago
@andyfierman I shared it publicly
ldanley 5 years ago
@andyfierman Hello? I am really trying to finish this up and purchase ASAP.... Please help...
ldanley 5 years ago
@ldanley I just started over... Thanks for your help
andyfierman 5 years ago
@ldanley, I don't know if you set it public and then switched it back to private but when I checked just after your post where you said:: "... I shared it publicly" your project was still private. If you're starting again then I guess that doesn't matter. Just remember that an Autorouter is far from perfect and if you place components too close together on a board that is only just big enough, it will struggle to complete. This is especially true the more SMD parts there are as a percentage of the design and the smaller the pad pitches get. Autorouters can also generate very poor layouts from an EMC,  Signal and Power Integrity point of view with high crosstalk and excessive numbers of vias. If these aspects of design are important to you, especially on a 2 layer PCB, you would be well advised to hand route the whole PCB.
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