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Update PCB Deletes Board Outline
1137 12
peternarbus 6 years ago
Hello - I import a DXF board outline into the PCB.  When I do "update PCB" the outline is deleted.  What do I do so the outline is not deleted? Thank you,
andyfierman 6 years ago
Can you post a link to a public project that demonstrates this behaviour?
peternarbus 6 years ago
Yes: [https://easyeda\.com/editor\#id=550b12c64d9c4f1db3a67f212b70269d\|4c80c06881204b3c89759c5ee896ec7a](|4c80c06881204b3c89759c5ee896ec7a)
andyfierman 6 years ago
I think the problem is that although you have a thing that is the right colour for - and is labelled as - a BoardOutline and which appears to turn on and off with the visibility of the BoardOultline Layer in the Layers panel, the shape is actually on the Top Layer and not the BoardOutline layer. It is also only possible to move it between the Top or Bottom layers. It cannot be moved to the BoardOutline layer: ![image.png](// The small rectangle in the upper right is a real BoardOutline shape that I added just to show the difference. You can see that the shape can be moved to any of the other layers: ![image.png](// * I don't know why this has happened but can you try reimporting the DXF to try to place it onto the BoardOutline layer. You'll also have to check the Gerbers carefully to ensure that X markers for the holes and the cross hair on pin 8 of P5 do not upset the Gerber creation.
andyfierman 6 years ago
If you cannot import the DXF into the Board Outline layer correctly, you may have to raise a Bug Report.
peternarbus 6 years ago
I did import the DXF to the board outline layer and it DOES toggle on and off with the board outline layer. The problem is when I update the design, the board outline is deleted...
peternarbus 6 years ago
here is the link: [https://easyeda\.com/editor\#id=550b12c64d9c4f1db3a67f212b70269d\|b9b59bc04ae443c6a9e13d1a89a0f588](|b9b59bc04ae443c6a9e13d1a89a0f588)
andyfierman 6 years ago
@peternarbus, "I did import the DXF to the board outline layer and it DOES toggle on and off with the board outline layer." Yes, exactly as I said: "I think the problem is that although you have a thing that is the right colour for - and is labelled as - a BoardOutline **and which appears to turn on and off with the visibility of the BoardOultline Layer in the Layers panel**,..." but as I also said - : "...the shape is actually on the Top Layer and **not** the BoardOutline layer." This is shown in my screenshots. This means that what you think is your board outline and some position markers is _actually_ seen by the PCB Editor as a group of tracks which are **not** labelled as tracks that exist in the netlist imported from the schematic and are therefore deleted when you do **Update PCB... / Import Changes...** If you are sure you imported the DXF into the BoardOandutline layer then I think you need to post this as a Bug Report.
andyfierman 6 years ago
That's interesting. The links you posted originally: [https://easyeda\.com/editor\#id=550b12c64d9c4f1db3a67f212b70269d\|4c80c06881204b3c89759c5ee896ec7a]( shows that the outline is assigned to the Top layer. The second link you posted: [https://easyeda\.com/editor\#id=550b12c64d9c4f1db3a67f212b70269d\|b9b59bc04ae443c6a9e13d1a89a0f588](|b9b59bc04ae443c6a9e13d1a89a0f588) is to a _different_ pair of schematic and PCB files and shows that the outline in the PCB file is correctly assigned to the Board Outline layer! So which pair of files actually show the problem?
peternarbus 6 years ago
Thank you Andy - I cloned the PCB and reimported the DXF board outline into the board outline layer and it is ok now. But, this version of the PCB has the board outline listed as top layer, shown in board outline color and tggles on and off when I toggle board outline in the layers menu.  I don't understand, maybe EASYPCB is confused: [https://easyeda\.com/editor\#id=712b6c2f2bf04dfeaa6e8ec0155ac495\|550b12c64d9c4f1db3a67f212b70269d\|b9b59bc04ae443c6a9e13d1a89a0f588\|73bf26f773b6454fb2b5c2bdad52113b](|550b12c64d9c4f1db3a67f212b70269d|b9b59bc04ae443c6a9e13d1a89a0f588|73bf26f773b6454fb2b5c2bdad52113b)
EasyEDA 6 years ago
But you have a version of the PCB that is OK now? The Board outline is not deleted when you do Update PCB... / Import Changes... ?
peternarbus 6 years ago
Yes, the board is OK thank you.
andyfierman 6 years ago
Good stuff (my last post was from my EasyEDA login because I forgot to log out and back in as me!).
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