You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Update PCB fails to report footprint changes
2010 7
NuttyProfessor47 6 years ago
Investigating the problem identified in my [last post]( necessitated changes to component footprints in Schematic view and updates to the assiciated PCB. In the previous version of EasyEDA this presented no problems. However, in the latest version updated today, footprint changes (hole and pad size changes) are not carried over into the PCB consistently, and in any event are never reported as a change in the update dialogue. Because I have in some cases been editing standard EasyEDA package footprints, e.g. TO-220(TO-220-3) the edits became Personal. I checked that the component in the schematic was linked to the correct Personal PCB Lib footprint in each instance in the schematic, but clicked "Update" anyway. After changing all the TO-220 components, I updated the PCB, but the dialogue only showed changes to connections to GND (I don't have any, the ground plane being specified as EARTH for consistency with the mains PE (Protective Earth)) which I then have to reverse in Design Manager. It should be showing that the TO-220 components are to be updated. Nevertheless, upon checking the PCB, sometimes the hole size changes made would be present, sometimes not, and the update process would have to be repeated until they were. It would appear that the updates only take effect consistently and are presented in the dialogue if the component has been removed and replaced in the schematic, even though the effect in the schematic is the same regardless of whether it is updated or replaced. This is inconsistent and should be corrected.
andyfierman 6 years ago
Are your edited footprints still the only copies in your personal library or did you save them with (new) unique names? Also did you save your edited copies of library footprints with (new) unique names? If any of the copies of library footprints have duplicate names then EasyEDA will pick the original library parts.
UserSupport 6 years ago
Hi If you edit a system library and save as personal library, you have to update the package of the schematiclib at footprint manager in the schematic. because of the schematiclib link the package with a unique ID.
NuttyProfessor47 6 years ago
@andyfierman In some cases I may have kept the same name but after saving it, I've always selected the footprint from "Personal" in the schematic/footprint association dialogue. If the safest thing to do is create unique names I can endeavour to do that but I will be unable to guarantee that I have not used a name that someone else doing a similar exercise has already used. If this happens to be the case will this also cause a problem?
NuttyProfessor47 6 years ago
Now I really am getting frustrated. I have cloned a capacitor symbol and called the clone 470nF and saved it. It now appears in my list of personal symbols. Using it's data sheet I then created from scratch a PCBLib entry called POLYCAP-22.5MM and saved it. That also appears in my personal PCBLib when I open the library. ![Screenshot-2018-5-16 EasyEDA - A Simple and Powerful Electronic Circuit Design Tool(1).png](// If I now have the symbol open to edit and select the package to change it from the original of the clone to its required new footprint, the editor does not find the newly created package even though in the library I can see it is there! I've tried every combination I can think of to no avail. POLY will find other contributors packages but none suit the Panasonic capacitor that I intend to use. Any ideas on how to solve this problem would be most welcome. ![Screenshot-2018-5-16 EasyEDA - A Simple and Powerful Electronic Circuit Design Tool.png](//
UserSupport 6 years ago
Hi Issue confirmed, it is a search data sync issue, we will figure it out ASAP. please wait a while. at now, please select the package from "Select" tag: ![image.png](//
UserSupport 6 years ago
Hi This issue have fixed now, please try again. thanks
NuttyProfessor47 6 years ago
@UserSupport Thank You. Mean while I had found the work around overnight - Save everything, log out, shut down, then in the morning restart, and bingo, the package is available to use. Yipee.
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