You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
[Update PCB: Import Changes] never completes and PCB editor extremely slow when using more than 2 layers and an inner layer set to 'plane.'
790 13
rehsd 3 years ago
I have a project where I have made changes to the schematic and am trying to update the PCB (Design\Update PCB). I get an "Import Changes" progress bar, and it essentially gets stuck between 60% and 80%. I have left it running for hours, and it never completes. I am using the latest desktop version on Windows. I have tried it from three different PCs. Is there a current service issue causing this? Suggestions on how to resolve the issue? Thank you! **Update**: I am using a four-layer stack with a GND inner plane. Reverting to two layers or using only 'signal' for inner layers restores performance. Having an inner layer set to plane causes the issue.
andyfierman 3 years ago
What happens if you try updating the same pcb using the web version?
rehsd 3 years ago
Same result.
rehsd 3 years ago
My latest attempt completed (after approximately 3 hours). However, if I try to move anything on the PCB that has connections to it, the editor locks up (or takes minutes to move a single item). I've had non-responsiveness on the PCB editor over the last month or two. Typically, if I try it again in a day or two, it works fine. So, some kind of backend server issue? I'm using a fast PC with fast internet from the U.S. Midwest.
rehsd 3 years ago
After further testing... I have projects where performance is fine. This specific project I mentioned above is no longer usable in EasyEDA. Can this be related to specific items on the schematic? Are there any debugging options available to see what EasyEDA is struggling with?
rehsd 3 years ago
Reverting to 2-layer instead of 4-layer resolves the performance issue. But I need 4-layer, lol...
andyfierman 3 years ago
@rehsd, As you can see from the forum, there appear to be a number of problems with editing 4 or more layer boards. To raise awareness of this problem, I suggest that you edit your original post in this topic to add a note at the end to clearly describe how switching to 2 layers "fixes" the issue and then change the **Category** to **Bug Report**.
rehsd 3 years ago
Done, thank you.
rehsd 3 years ago
One other observation: four layers works if I only use only signal layers. Using planes for inner layers causes the issue.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@rehsd, Please add that to the top post so it's easy to get all the info in one place. Thanks.
daxliniere 1 year ago
I have removed all planes from inner layers and I still can't get past 1%. v6.5.22 web.
andyfierman 1 year ago
As well as deleting any inner planes, have you set the inner layers to "Signal"? Though how you are then supposed to deal with any routing that does end up in a plane layer, I am not sure... See also my comment in: [](
daxliniere 1 year ago
Hey Andy, Thanks again for your help with yet another bug. :( I deleted EVERYTHING from my 2 inner layers and still had no progress. I even changed by board from 4-layer to 2-layer and still nothing. Next thing to try is desktop version of Pro. Who know if it'll make any difference. Thanks again, Dax.
daxliniere 1 year ago
AHA!! After making those changes above, I needed to completely close and reopen the online Std editor. THEN it worked. This is clearly a bug. @UserSupport are you around?
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