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Updating PCB from schematic looses component placements
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lynxlabeling 3 years ago
Sometimes when updating the PCB from changes to the schematic, all the component placements are lost/reset. This doesn't happen in new/current projects, but seems to happen when working on older projects. I am using the latest build - 6.4.14. In older versions (a lot older) it seemed that the PCB updated from the schematic via RefDes. I wonder if it uses IDs now and for some reason, they don't match anymore. While updating via matching internal IDs is very nice (if the schematic refdes has been changed), it seems to me that the refdes should be the identifier used primarily when updating the PCB. So, I don't know if this problem is a bug or not. If it is, please consider fixing it. In the meantime, is there a way that I can fix this problem in my current project. I have opened an older project and have made several changes, but the refdes's have stayed the same. I do not want to have to move every component in the PCB to where they used to go.
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