You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Useful learning resources
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andyfierman 3 years ago
For newcomers to electronics. <span class="colour" style="color:rgb(85, 85, 85)">You can use the simulation features of EasyEDA to play with simple circuits and learn about electronics without having to buy or blow up stuff.</span><br> <br> **Basic:** []( [](<br> <br> A bit more formal but very good quality learning resources: Socratic Electronics [](<br> <br> Lessons In Electric Circuits [](<br> <br> An interactive circuit simulation tool for basic electronic circuits []( Actually there is some more advanced stuff there and it allows the user to create and export their own circuits but it is most useful to help visualise what is happening around a basic circuit. []( This site is especially helpful if you use it in conjunction with the simulation functions of EasyEDA. \*\*More advanced stuff: \*\* [](<br> <br> **Mathematical tools** Electronics generally involves quite a lot of maths, from basic arithmetical calculations to advanced calculus. The Mastering Electronics Design site in particular makes occasional use of MathCad and Microsoft Mathematics. Neither of these programs will run on Linux or OS X. A suggested free and cross platform Mathcad-like alternative is: []( which also has a cloud version. It is not as extensive as Mathcad but it is very like Mathcad to use and should handle the Mathcad calculations used on the Mastering Electronics Design site. A more powerful, free and open source (FOSS) tool is: []( which also has a cloud version at: [](<br> <br> See also: [](<br> <br>
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