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UserSupport: Please prioritize the fix the Add Vias feature
451 6
bryan costanich 3 years ago
Dear @UserSupport, please fix [this issue]( The workaround there is confusing and a little onerous, but works if you're only adding vias to one net, e.g. GND vias. But if you need to do both power and GND, then it becomes even harder. Just my vote, but I really think this bug should be prioritized.
UserSupport 3 years ago
batch vias need to top and bottom copper area, otherwise the vias is useless, because they are not connect with top and bottom layer.
bryan costanich 3 years ago
yeah, but the bug is that if you have those layers, they don't get added. you have to delete a layer for it to work. see the post i linked to.
UserSupport 3 years ago
@bryan_6020 add vias will avoid the DRC conflict items, the inner layer if is planezone, the vias will not add at present. it can be improved, I will mark it to list. thanks
bryan costanich 3 years ago
I can't actually get this to work on a multilayer board. i can place power vias by making sure only one layer has power, but when i try to do the same again with GND vias, it doesn't place any. @UserSupport, near as I can tell, this feature doesn't actually work for anything more than one set of vias, and even for that one set, it's buggy. @andyfierman, have you successfully gotten this feature to work on two sets of vias?
andyfierman 3 years ago
@bryan_6020, Sorry Bryan but I've not had any occasion to use this feature.
bryan costanich 3 years ago
I wound up manually placing them. :) Sooooo many. ![Screen Shot 2021-09-19 at 8.15.06 PM.png](//
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