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Using Array clone. How to connect the generated parts to the Schematic?
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Megascott 1 year ago
EasyEDA Standard V6.5.23. I've been Struggling with this issue for a few days now and cannot for the life of me figure out how to do it. Easy EDA PCB has a "Feature" under the edit menu called "Array Clone" which I can select a part in my PCB design, Then choose the Array Clone feature and by specifying the XY coordinates of the center of the circle, the Radius, Degrees and how many clones to distribute, EasyEDA will then take your starting position of the first part and clone this around a circle or semicircle. Works great the first time, because it renames the parts starting at the first part, so for example, you have a LED named LED1, then you clone this, then the next LED will be LED2, and so on. However, if you don't get the placement of the first part exactly right, then you delete all of the parts except LED1 and start over, even if you "Reset Component part Id's, it continues numbering after the last part, so, since I want 32 LED's it starts numbering the LED's at 33, the 34...etc. okay, so I found a work around for this after deleting the badly placed parts-. 1. Design -> Reset Component unique Id's. 2. Save your PCB. 3. Reload the PCB. 4 Now redo the process of placing your first componant and choosing the Array Clone function again. Okay. great! Now you have your LEDS in a nice circle all nicely lined up. but there's a problem. The parts placed by the Clone array Function are not present on any Nets, so the next time you perform an "Update PCB" all of these parts Generated by the Array Clone function are deleted!....They don't show on the DRC either, so what to do now? A real head scratcher...How does this function "Array clone" even supposed to work? What am I doing it wrong?
andyfierman 1 year ago
"The parts placed by the Clone array Function are not present on any Nets, so the next time you perform an "Update PCB" all of these parts Generated by the Array Clone function are deleted!" The problem of parts that are added directly in the PCB Editor without first being added to the schematic, disappearing after doing Update PCB  .. or Import Changes... is described in  (2.2) in (2) in: []( The only way round this is to add the symbols to the schematic with the same prefixes and netnames as those that will have been automatically assigned in the PCB and then doing Reset Component IDs in both the schematic and the PCB. The correct way to achieve what you are describing is to add the symbols to the schematic and assign netnames as desired. Then do Update PCB  .. or Import Changes...  to pull the new Footprints into the PCB. Then select the imported Footprints and use the Distribute Array tool. As to what the purpose of the Array Clone tool is in the PCB Editor, I have no idea unless it works just for the few elements that, after a version update some years ago, are not overwritten by updating the PCB.
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